Hard drive prices have continuously been increasing ever since Thailand got hit hard by monsoons. First and foremost, heart goes out to Thai people, I've been in a hurricane style rain before, not fun.
Anyways, Western Digital and many other companies that make hard drives in Thailand have been hit hard. Facilities flooded and what not.
Problem for us is that because worldwide production is centered in Thai facilities, we are experiencing a shortage in HDDs.
Example, I bought 3 months ago a WD 500GB Scorpio Blue drive from NewEgg for $49.00 USD after instant rebate. Now? Go check, it is around $119 USD. That's a 2x increase in price. Crazy.
Wanna see crazier? WD Caviar Black 1TB at 7200rpm used to cost $79 at most and dropping. Now? $219.00 USD and climbing! Crazy stuff.
Consider the following, all these companies had 4 months worth of inventory. However, we are already seeing drastic price hikes. Imagine after the shopping spree... Cyber Monday and Black Friday will most definitely not have many HDDs on sale...
Anyways, Western Digital and many other companies that make hard drives in Thailand have been hit hard. Facilities flooded and what not.
Problem for us is that because worldwide production is centered in Thai facilities, we are experiencing a shortage in HDDs.
Example, I bought 3 months ago a WD 500GB Scorpio Blue drive from NewEgg for $49.00 USD after instant rebate. Now? Go check, it is around $119 USD. That's a 2x increase in price. Crazy.
Wanna see crazier? WD Caviar Black 1TB at 7200rpm used to cost $79 at most and dropping. Now? $219.00 USD and climbing! Crazy stuff.
Consider the following, all these companies had 4 months worth of inventory. However, we are already seeing drastic price hikes. Imagine after the shopping spree... Cyber Monday and Black Friday will most definitely not have many HDDs on sale...