There is a post in this forum of many people complaining about an annoying high pitch, low volume noise. They call it a "coil whine" although nobody (including Apple) seems to know what component of the nMP is the cause of it.
Some of them have returned their nMP for exchange, but the new machine made the same noise (even if the configuration was a different one)!
Others have resigned and hope for a kind of "FW update"coming from Apple.
It is not the quiet whisper of the warm air coming upwards (which is the way the nMP works) but a noise clearly heard in a quiet room and apparently changing with the load of the computer.
Some people have recorded it and it is no doubt annoying. You can find the noise files in that post and hear it by yourself.
I must still wait many weeks until my nMP with the help of God (and of Apple logistics, I do not know in which order to put both of them) finally arrives to me.
However I am worried to receive a "noisy" nMP of that kind.
After all one cannot put a nMP under the table on the carpet.
It must be on the table very near to the user!
Therefore may I ask for kind owners of a nMP who can with entire certainty say that their nMP is truly silent and please add the specs of their computer.
Of course I know that in a way it is a subjective criterium and the hearing sense is different from person to person and from age to age, but the noise heard in the above mentioned recordings is not a poltergeist but an absolute reality.
Otherwise Apple would not have accepted to replace without any discussion several difficult to obtain computers, as you can read in that post of the "coil whine" in this forum.
I very much hope that a truly silent nMP may be reported by the vast majority of owners of a nMP but, to tell the truth, I am somehow afraid.
A nMP costs a lot of money and it should accordingly work OK.
Thank you very much in advance for your kind help!
Some of them have returned their nMP for exchange, but the new machine made the same noise (even if the configuration was a different one)!
Others have resigned and hope for a kind of "FW update"coming from Apple.
It is not the quiet whisper of the warm air coming upwards (which is the way the nMP works) but a noise clearly heard in a quiet room and apparently changing with the load of the computer.
Some people have recorded it and it is no doubt annoying. You can find the noise files in that post and hear it by yourself.
I must still wait many weeks until my nMP with the help of God (and of Apple logistics, I do not know in which order to put both of them) finally arrives to me.
However I am worried to receive a "noisy" nMP of that kind.
After all one cannot put a nMP under the table on the carpet.
It must be on the table very near to the user!
Therefore may I ask for kind owners of a nMP who can with entire certainty say that their nMP is truly silent and please add the specs of their computer.
Of course I know that in a way it is a subjective criterium and the hearing sense is different from person to person and from age to age, but the noise heard in the above mentioned recordings is not a poltergeist but an absolute reality.
Otherwise Apple would not have accepted to replace without any discussion several difficult to obtain computers, as you can read in that post of the "coil whine" in this forum.
I very much hope that a truly silent nMP may be reported by the vast majority of owners of a nMP but, to tell the truth, I am somehow afraid.
A nMP costs a lot of money and it should accordingly work OK.
Thank you very much in advance for your kind help!