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I've had both the wifi and the 3G. I like it a lot.
I like reading on it, pdfs with Goodreader. and the new amazing Wired ipad edition shows the future potential of tablet computing, check Wired out!

it does get heavy to hold with one hand, and needs a case to use it w/o being afraid of scratching or dropping it.
seems minor, but otherwise, it's perfect for what it does.
I haven't tried satisfying myself with the iPad yet. It seems like an awkward device to do such a thing.
I've owned mine since Apr 3. I planned on using it for things that I was hoping to use my netbooks for (but the netbooks fell short). So far, it has met all of my expectations. And it has succeeded in exceeding some of them. Apps like "Early Edition" have allowed me to stay current with my favorite blogs in a more efficient and enjoyable manner. A custom "newspaper" is one of those things that wasn't on my radar when I considered an iPad.

My only disappointment has been with peripherals/accessories. Which I thought wouldn't be a problem considering how ubiquitous iphone and ipod accessories are. (I know that will improve with time) There aren't any innovative cases available. I've switched from the official Apple case to the Macally Bookstand, but still on the hunt for something better.
I preordered my iPad from the UK online store and have had it since launch day.

Initially when Opened the box I was excite but basically it was let's face it, a new shiny toy from Apple. I started to use it and initially thought hey the screen is very nice. And then things moved on and i started to become underwelmed because it didn't feel like a new experience (ironically). I've been using it plenty the last 4 days or so and I just picked up my macbook pro and suddenly I began to appreciate how good the iPad was. It is pounds (literally) lighter than my 15" MBP and the transition was so seamless i didn't even notice.

A few slight downsides to it though:
  1. Blackboard (for university) doesn't scroll PDFs properly
  2. No USB support

Pretty much the only thing I can't do on it is as an engineering student I use lots of MATLAB and Simulink but there is an iPhone app for that and I'm just waiting for the iPad version which if the iphone version is anything to go buy will be really good.

I don't miss flash all that much and i totally understand apples reasoning for disallowing it on the iPhone/iPad OS.

It's a great product although not magical. I do slightly regret not getting the 64GB 3G version instead foe my 32GB 3G version. We will see what rev B and rev C devices bring!
I love mine, almost unconditionally.

There are one or two niggles don't get me wrong but in terms of the overall user experience I couldn't be happier with it.
I love the ipad
One gripe is in certain apps that deal with scrolling pages, the quick movement makes my eyes feel funny almost dizzyish.
not sure why. its like before the LCD tv came out with the 240hz to prevent motion blur.
its almost the same thing.
anyone else feel the same?
Someone on the uk delivery thread mentioned the same and apple offered to replace it as a priority. Have you contacted apple about it?

Yes I did, called the 800#.

They offered:
1) Take it back to the store and get it swapped out
-For me this is a 2 hour chunk out of my day, plus it depends on stock levels and the expertise of a genius to decide it's replacement-worthy. also could be 2 trips, one to get it checked out, and one when they get more ipads in
2) Mail it back to Apple for replacement
-This requires that I be without an ipad for weeks, since they have to receive mine, determine it's replacement-worthy, and then setup an order for the new one
3) Purchase Applecare and they will mail me an advance replacement so that I'm not without an ipad.

So they are definitely supportive and the biggest challenges are supply levels and my proximity to the store really.
I have been pretty satisfied with my 16gb ipad with 3g!!Has everone else, if not what do u wish to c in next generation ipad:apple:

Its ok. I bought a 3G 16gb. After using it for the last month or so I don't use it much. I use my phone much more still. I think that is because I can't just pull my iPad out of my pocket to add a calendar event or task, or to quickly look something up. I am starting to think a phone with a larger screen 4"+ and a MacBook 13" is more fitting for my lifestyle.

Oh and where is the Thai keyboard? WTF?
I love it and it's always beside me, but I'm a little scared of a little light leak. Whenever I show another person they say it's normal for LCD screens.

I just hope it doesn't gets worse, but does anybody else have a little light leak and will apple let me return the iPad if the light leak is barely visible?
I'm completely happy with my 16gb 3G. I don't need an open os. No Flash is somewhat of a disappointment but if it will kill my battery, I'm cool without it. Get tired of my friends trying to borrow it with the same answer being no every single time. If you don't have an iPad, u are missing out on an experience. If you are waiting on competitors, good luck with that.

And to those who say buying the iPad isn't worth it, you just don't understand. Buy first gen, sell it a year later and pay the difference for the new gen. Apple products hold their value really really well. So I don't look at it as a Bad buy.
[*]Blackboard (for university) doesn't scroll PDFs properly

Perhaps you could try Goodreader, and browse to blackboard through that, and hopefully it should display the pdfs correctly, and allow you to scroll page by page.

**Just a suggestion, I can't try it out as I don't have access to blackboard.
Perhaps you could try Goodreader, and browse to blackboard through that, and hopefully it should display the pdfs correctly, and allow you to scroll page by page.

**Just a suggestion, I can't try it out as I don't have access to blackboard.

Will look into that. Thanks for the heads up, I use iAnnotate for my annotations though so transferring them app to app on the fly would be a little bit of a headache.
I've had mine since 4-3 and I'm using it more and more, and I was using it a ton back then. At least 12 hours a day on this thing.
I'm more than satisfied. It's as fast as hell, it feels great and it looks great. The battery is incredible. And I can type on the keyboard really fast and it feels completely comfortable. I've been firing off long letters, reports and even a chapter of a book using this keyboard and enjoying every second of it.

- Syncing for a software update
- A bit of light web design
- A bit of light video editing

Those are the 3 tasks (which rarely ever happen) that I'm still using my MBP for. 95% of my computing is now done on the iPad. 4% on the iPhone. 1% on the MBP. The experience has been great, and the iPad has turned out to be so much better than I was expecting. Its beautiful to read books on it, it really feels more like a gaming device than the iPhone does, and I really can be productive with it. I hate seeing people say it's crap for content creation, or that the keyboard is crap. What they mean to say is that THEY are crap at using the keyboard. I'm getting lots of work done on the iPad and fast.

And even if I need to do something that requires my laptop, LogMeIn has me covered.

I thought it was going to be good, I wasn't a hater. It looked fun, and quick. But I didn't think it would be a game changer until I started using it for nearly all my computing tasks and being able to do so in ways and places that just wouldn't happen with the laptop. It's not going to be amazing for everyone, but I am very satisfied. Can it be improved? Hell yes, everything can be improved. I'm not needing multitasking or a camera. I'm more interested in some tweaking to the OS. Some native iDisk compatibility would be cool. I'm looking forward to the gaming centre thing and native printing etc.

Oh, and it's a 64GB WiFi-only model if you were wondering.
I haven't had it long but like others so far I am completely happy with it. This thing is the coolest piece of tech I've had in awhile.

Posted from my iPad. :)
I am satisfied with my iPad, in fact it exceeded my expectations. It certainly has not replaced my computer, nor my blackberry, but I find it to be a very useful tool to keep with me to access online material whether for work or pleasure, and is also a great entertainment device with iTunes and iPhoto.

It does certainly have it's limitations, and my wish list for the next generation is long, but I think it is a great start and I am using it every day--much more than I originally thought when I bought it.

I really do hope future versions will allow for more flexibility with getting files on and off the device (USB support and some sort of file management system) and have it lean closer and closer to an actual computer.

Posted from my iPad :D
I don't use it for anything I couldn't do on my MacBook. And I do not agree with apples marketing if "unbelievable" price. But I know I will get my moneys worth and it is a great toy.

I don't think vie fully integrated it into my life yet, when I do. I can see I will love it even more. And os4 will be a vast improvement too.
After only a few days, I'm very happy with it.

I'm still adjusting to the different way to do things computer-wise with no separate folder or files structure etc compared to the desktop system when it comes to organizing and productivity (eg, files are kept and organized within the application itself, I guess like email clients have always done anyway). Once it becomes second nature, it'll become second nature..

Maybe in a way, this is the way computers should have been from the beginning. I've always thought the heirarchical desk/folder/filing cabinet type GUI and navigation system was originally designed for office/business customers because they were the original primary customers, but non-office people got used to it anyway. The iPad/iPhone is geared for non-business 'iPod' people from the get-go as the primary customers instead so it's a whole different approach and it will be interesting to see how it evolves over time.
After only a few days, I'm very happy with it.
Maybe in a way, this is the way computers should have been from the beginning.

No, just no. By all means love your iPad and support it, you have every right to, but do not try to sit there and tell us computer systems should be closed-source with little to no room for file customization or expansion.
I wasn't completely satisified until this weekend when I picked up an apple wireless Bluetooth keyboard. Now I am 100% satisfied.

I owned the 2007 Apple wireless keyboard with my iMac. But my 27 inch iMac I opted for the wired keyboard since it had a numerical keyboard. I wished apple would make a wireless keyboard with numerical keyboard.

Anyways so I picked up the 2009 version of the apple keyboard. It feels much lighter than my 2007 keyboard. Maybe cause it has 2 batteries instead of 3.

So while I can type about 30 words a minute with the touchscreen. I have the option of typing 80 words per minute with my wireless keyboard if this iPad.

I have been on business trips the past two weekends with just my iPad. It took me a while to type long important emails to clients. Now I will just bring my wireless keyboard in my briefcase and type away.
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