I'm more than satisfied. It's as fast as hell, it feels great and it looks great. The battery is incredible. And I can type on the keyboard really fast and it feels completely comfortable. I've been firing off long letters, reports and even a chapter of a book using this keyboard and enjoying every second of it.
- Syncing for a software update
- A bit of light web design
- A bit of light video editing
Those are the 3 tasks (which rarely ever happen) that I'm still using my MBP for. 95% of my computing is now done on the iPad. 4% on the iPhone. 1% on the MBP. The experience has been great, and the iPad has turned out to be so much better than I was expecting. Its beautiful to read books on it, it really feels more like a gaming device than the iPhone does, and I really can be productive with it. I hate seeing people say it's crap for content creation, or that the keyboard is crap. What they mean to say is that THEY are crap at using the keyboard. I'm getting lots of work done on the iPad and fast.
And even if I need to do something that requires my laptop, LogMeIn has me covered.
I thought it was going to be good, I wasn't a hater. It looked fun, and quick. But I didn't think it would be a game changer until I started using it for nearly all my computing tasks and being able to do so in ways and places that just wouldn't happen with the laptop. It's not going to be amazing for everyone, but I am very satisfied. Can it be improved? Hell yes, everything can be improved. I'm not needing multitasking or a camera. I'm more interested in some tweaking to the OS. Some native iDisk compatibility would be cool. I'm looking forward to the gaming centre thing and native printing etc.
Oh, and it's a 64GB WiFi-only model if you were wondering.