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I elected not to renew because I realized that a different paid hosting package would give me a heck of a lot more for about the same price ($99/year), and this hosting package I'm on now meets my needs a lot better than MobileMe ever did.
I've been a .mac subscriber since 2006, and I'll renew again in August 2010. I find the OTA sync incredibly useful for keeping my Macs and iPhone singing from the same hymsheet, and I use the webspace.
I don't plan on canceling anytime soon. My grandparents pay for a family account (even though we only use two accounts at the moment, and I'm the primary), and they told me I can just stay on theirs since I helped them with their Mac.
I cancelled because I don't see the point of it.

Back to my Mac - I have a MBP so I'll either have it with me or it'll be asleep under the sofa and therefore unaccessible.

Email - I don't want as my address, thank you.

iDisk doesn't auto sync/auto update so I was having to save everything twice - once on my MBP and once on iDisk. Also, uploading data to it was painfully slow (even on my 10Mbps broadband).

Calendars and Contacts aren't so urgent that I need them sync'd immediately. I can wait to plug my iPhone in to my computer.

Sharing files/photos - there are SOOO many free ways to do this already.

Find my iPhone - I like the idea of this but can't help thinking that, without my iPhone, I won't have the net access necessary to find my iPhone.

I'd rather save the £60 per year.
I'm happy with MobileMe and when it's time to renew I definitely will.

I get my licenses on eBay or Amazon. Usually can find a better deal. If eBay just make sure it's a trusted seller where they can send the actual box and it's a full account not a shared family account.

Email is great - I don't exclusively use the @me address to reply, but I do have all my accounts forwarded through my @me address. Push is flawless.

i enjoy it, but when my renewal comes up i think i might not do it either. Every time my contacts sync over air and my mac, they get screwed up with names and sometimes i'll have two peoples names come up when a person calls because i have two jeffs in my phone and one who didnt have a last name somehow synced as also being the one with a last name. Its great not having to have push on, and to have the calender right there and be able to change both phone and laptop instantaneously but it still needs to be worked on.

Yep. Two people's names on my iPhone as we speak. No issues with Macs. The company has so much cash in the bank. Can't they put some money towards getting this thing right?!
I didn't renew mine. It was just too painfully slow to use. iDisk was completely useless to me for that reason. Especially if you travel a lot and have to access files from out side the US. Dropbox works so much faster and it's free.

A few changes in the iphoto gallery and it took ages to sync with MM. :rolleyes:
I didn't renew mine. It was just too painfully slow to use. iDisk was completely useless to me for that reason. Especially if you travel a lot and have to access files from out side the US. Dropbox works so much faster and it's free.

A few changes in the iphoto gallery and it took ages to sync with MM. :rolleyes:

It sounds as if you were just using iDisk as a remote disk, rather than enabling folder synchronization. Once enabled... access to your data would be as fast as access to your hard drive.

As a whole package... Mobile Me is compelling for me, so I will renew. Individually the components are mediocre and the service could use some focused improvement.

I've just started using Google Sync for work, so it actually co-exists on my iPhone with MobileMe (re-upped last fall with the $60 Amazon special).

There are two reasons why I'll probably keep MM - find my iPhone (in the VERY unlikely situation where I lose it), and for battery purposes. Google Sync is a major drain on my battery (probably that way for anybody using an Exchange server).

Aside from those two things, I really don't see what MM has that I can't get cheaper someplace else. iDisk was very disappointing for me - I like how it mounts as a local drive, but the access speeds are terrible, even when I'm on a T1.
I'm happy with MobileMe and jsut re-upped for another year. The way everything seamlessly syncs over all my desktops and iPhone make it more than worth it, and much smoother than Google.

Same here! I mean it would be nice if they improved the web-based mail access site and maybe add a bit more tools and functions.

It is quite pricey for what it is.

But on another note it's so simple and easy to use!
I use Mobile Me and I like what it is supposed to do. The gallery is a great place to put pictures, quickly from your iphone, share the album with friends so they can upload and download. Idisk is fine for moving files around and the mail and calendar sync fast.

My problems with it are little annoying things that end up wasting my time and the web interface is HIGHLY unstable (which I just totally do not understand).

My main issues are why can the Gallery not be sorted in alpha numeric order?????? I have to scroll up and down (and I have alot of albums on there) to find the correct album. This issue is on both the iphone and MM.

When I upload pictures I get the "Unable to Contact MM" EVERY TIME. You click out of the error message and then hit "cancel" and your upload continues, but you have to do this constantly and if you are not watching it then it just waits.

The calendar will refresh when you are entering items forcing you to totally start again and I cannot tell you how many times it decides to change my start time of an appointment that I am entering to the "current" time on my computer.

They push out new apps for MM on the iphone, but they do nothing to fix MM. Hopefully they will wake up and fix it.
Why don't you just get iLocalis? I'm paying for a full year subscription for only $21 and it does so much more and it's much more secure.
cancelled account and activate again

i have mobileme account cancelled and iwant to activate again coz having problem in my facebook(used it in email address )
ilocalis does not have all the features of Mobile Me.

Mobile Me would be a really good service if it was more stable and had some logical usage items corrected. I think its a low priority at Apple.
As a whole package... Mobile Me is compelling for me, so I will renew. Individually the components are mediocre and the service could use some focused improvement.


+1 again.

I just got my renewal in the mail today from a trusted seller on eBay. Still wrapped in plastic and everything. Family Pack. $82 shipped. Check out my signature. MobileMe is the best thing for keeping all that stuff synced.
I've been a MobileMe subscriber for almost a year now and I'm definitely renewing. I haven't had ANY problems, and yet I read about all kinds of glitches and down time with Google's services. Google may be luring everyone to their services, but don't think for a minute that these services are FREE. It's only a matter of time before privacy becomes the cost of using these services. I'm glad that there are alternatives to Google, but it's pretty scary that everyone seems to be trusting Google with more and more of their personal information.


i'm surprised no-one else has mentioned this. google mail is not free. you are paying for it by submitting your personal information, which will be searched through at google's will (along with all the information they have gleaned from your web searches and from your visiting sites with Google Syndication and/or Google Analytics) and used to build a profile of you.

i asked myself, how much i pay to my information out of the hands of a company like google? £59 per year is very reasonable for that ^_^

that said, MobileMe's email service is very poor. the biggest problem I had was with my outgoing emails being blocked by MM's spam filter, so many of them never seemed to arrive (others have had this problem too - anyone here have this?). Apple also will not let you use your own domain name for your emails (does anyone know why this is?). so i don't use MM as my main email address, only as storage for old emails.

MM's web interface is terrible too. no European date format - very annoying. and no https?! how much would it cost apple, really, to allow optional use of https, if only to reassure people...?
Hi Jim,
I'm not following you on this. How do you go about enabling folder synchronization?

System preferences > Mobile Me > IDisk Tab > Start

This will give you a "local copy" of all of your cloud data. You will be able to work on that data, even if you are not connected to the internet (ex: on a flight without internet connection). Later, when you connect to the internet, the data will sync to the mobile me servers... and replicate across your various machines.

I certainly won't be renewing. While the other stuff is nice, I use web based email alot at work for personal stuff and mobile me's web based email is hands down the WORST out there. I have daily issues with it. Right now I can't respond to an email because it tells me I'm unauthorized all of a sudden. If it can't do the simplest task correctly, makes me wonder about everything else.

Mobile Me is NOT worth the money imo.
I'm dumping mine on renewal. It doesn't do enough, it doesn't do it fast enough, and it doesn't do anything that you can't get out of other free services.

The syncing is nice, but as many others have said, I can accomplish that in other ways.

I don't think MobileMe is as good as it could be. I may reconsider it in the future if it receives significant revisions.
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