I’ve had an Orbi RBK852 and a couple of satellites to go with it for ages now - I beta test their routers, so I have them for a long time before they go on sale.
WiFi strength and performance all over the house and even into the garden, is exceptionally good - particularly with ax devices. I still have some things wired of course, my server for instance. But generally speaking I rarely (but not never) connect my Mac to Ethernet anymore. Even my iMac which is in the same room as the router was/is on WiFi.
My internet connection, which is only 600meg, is easily maxed out and file transfers to and from my server are quick enough that I don’t care. Likewise, even large Time Machine backups, to the diy Time Capsule I’ve made with a Raspberry Pi 4 and USB 3.1 HDD are speedy enough that I’ve not felt the need to drag out an Ethernet cable.
All in all, I’m happy with it, I’d certainly recommend it.