I think their hardware build quality is amazing, probably the best out there.
However their software seems to be getting worse and worse.
In saying that, I think Sonoma has been one of the most stable MacOS releases in years, so lol...
What annoys me the most with their software is that they appear to have lost a central design team. They also break their ownUX guidelines. Their software feels a lot more fragmented and inconsistent than it was back in the Steve Jobs era.
I personally hate a lot of the UI navigation choices in the last few years.
Whoever removed a bunch of the tab navigation buttons in apps such as Home, News, Music, needs to be fired....out of a canon into the Sun. Someone was hell bent on having no more than 3 tabs down the bottom. Thankfully this has started to improve.
Back in the old days, you could choose what functions you wanted in your apps. For example, in the Music app, you could remove Radio and replace it with Genres, or Songs, or basically anything from the library.
In the Home app some ******* idiot decided to remove the Rooms tab and replace is with Discover. Which is completely useless as it links to the Apple Store to buy accessories. And in my country of Australia, we have all of about 4 home products on sale at the Apple Store. What a joke... And again why? Why be hell bent on having 3 icons when you could easily fit 4 items (if you really want to have Discover).
News app is the same story, though that's improved a fair bit over the last couple of years.
At one point you could get to your Saved Stories from a tab button. Then they moved it to be the LAST ITEM under the Channels tab, so you had to scroll for ages. However, now you can quickly get to your saves stories under the Following Tab, then it's the second item (which is a huge improvement, that was fixed last year I think?).
It took them years to get even the basics of navigation right in Apple Music. Even then its still a bit ****.
Anywhere the **** is continuity handoff for Apple Music on MacOS?!!!!!
Like seriously, how hard is it to start playing something on my iPhone, and resume on my Mac? I expect to be able to transition to the exact second of a song in a playlist moving between any Apple device.
Apple also bang on about catalyst apps and how easy it is to make an app for iOS to MacOS, yet release new apps like Journal without an iPad or MacOS version, or Health on MacOS, or calculator on iPad etc etc.
Anyway, poor UI design and a ******** of bugs is how I feel about their software.
Some idiot also wrecked notification functionality on MacOS.
I forget the release, but at one point, you could reply to an iMessage inline from the notification button.
Now reply is under a more button and then its reply, like wtf?
We finally get to version iOS X.5 when things get stable, then its about time to upgrade to the new major iOS version where everything that worked before is once again broken, even for features that didn't get an upgrade. Such as bluetooth, wifi etc.