My builder was showing me something on his laptop today, and I reached out and poked one of the items on screen. It moved.
Turns out he has a touchscreen laptop. I completely forgot the name, but it's a pretty cheap model laptop, with a screen that you can swivel and lay down to make a tablet of it.
I played with it for a while. Pretty nifty, and no, fingerprints weren't a problem. Like having a giant iPad, but more powerful, with bigger screen, and cheaper. (slightly heavier though). One of these with OSX would be lovely. Being able to move windows and scroll stuff directly with my fingers was nice - made the whole thing more concrete and less remote.
I could see though that holding it up in tablet form with one hand could become a pain if I had to do it for a long time.
My 4 year old Fujitsu Lifebook P1510D has a touch screen with the swivel. It's made me hate mice and other less direct pointing devices. It was not inexpensive, however.