i have a iphone 2g. it was jailbreak-ed, recently i Erase All Contents and Settings, The erase process is normal, the logo and the progress bar were
displayed as predicted. but at the end the iphone did not return to its reset state, it repeatedly displays the logo, and can't connect to the itune ( the usb is not work).
now my problem is "Is jailbreak-ed iphone can't do the "Erase All Contents and Settings"operation? and what can i do to regain the USB function and restore the iphone.
displayed as predicted. but at the end the iphone did not return to its reset state, it repeatedly displays the logo, and can't connect to the itune ( the usb is not work).
now my problem is "Is jailbreak-ed iphone can't do the "Erase All Contents and Settings"operation? and what can i do to regain the USB function and restore the iphone.