I think all these trouble and inconvenience is due to the very very confusion title of the operation erase all content and settings. To me the content means the music and video, the settings means The brightness control, contrast control
. I never thought it deal with the OS.
If the title changed to erase system and all content or gave a detailed warning message when you try it, the thing will be different.
Exactly right. The naming and the explanation provides limited information and lacks clarity.
Situation, guy buys iPhone from some geezer, the iPhone still has the muppets contacts, text messages, music, pictures, video's etc. The iPhone provides no way to select all contacts and delete them, same with text messages, can delete only one at a time...painful.
Go General Reset > Reset All Settings erases no data or media, so all this is is basic reset preferences.
Erase All content and Settings explains that it deletes all media and data and resets all settings. This would presumably (to me) be the function to use if one wanted to erase all contacts, texts, pictures, music, video and set all preferences back to default.
But no, it hoses the OS so the phone can't be used and completely fsck's you over if you don't have a computer and an internet connection. Geesus, all we wanted was to trash the previous users data so we could put a Sim card in an import the contacts from the SIM an use the iPhone. But no, the iPhone appears to go do it's thing by erasing info but then drops into some stupid restarting looping mode that can't be stopped and never boots up.
There should be setting to delete all contacts, text, notes, pictures, music, video etc but this should not trash all the apps, the OS and leave the thing dead.