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I like 1.5, if such photo exists.

Here's to the Crazy Ones, like iGary
iGary said:



--------- 1.5 ---------


Does this look better a little bit?™
iGary said:
Yes, send me the batch action. I do 600 to a thousand of these a day.
Erm.. I just used auto levels. :)

Command+Shift+L the first pic
Here's to the Crazy Ones, like iGary
I think I'd go for about 1.75. 1 looks like it just came out of a camera; pleasing but lacking punch.

3 is hideous; way, way too bright unless you could see a blue sky and sunlight on the water and even then you'd be pushing it. The colours just don't look right.

I thought 2 looked a little bright until I saw 3, hence going for about 1.75-1.8. I think the 1.5 is still lacking punch and I'm assuming the client wants the fall colours.
IMO the second one looks the best and most natural. The third is the worst. Here's my attempt at color correcting.


  • Image-3E6B97386C1611DA copy.jpg
    Image-3E6B97386C1611DA copy.jpg
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On my screen, number 1 looks the most natural. 2 and 3 look a bit washed out, and the highlights appear too bright (blown out a bit).
I've just opened this thread on my Windows PC at work with its crap screen.

On this one, 1 looks way too dark, two looks OK and 3 looks more like 2 did on my Mac. Perhaps if your client is looking at it on a Windows PC with an uncalibrated screen, he thinks 3 just looks punchier.
I'd say the 1.5 looks a little more natural.

1 was a little to dark and muddy, and 2 was a little too bright.

Edit: And I too think you are losing your mind ...
Applespider said:
I've just opened this thread on my Windows PC at work with its crap screen.

On this one, 1 looks way too dark, two looks OK and 3 looks more like 2 did on my Mac. Perhaps if your client is looking at it on a Windows PC with an uncalibrated screen, he thinks 3 just looks punchier.

Yeah, my iMac says 1, my iBook says 2 and my PC says 3. :(
iGary, are they printing these when you send them in? If not, what kind of display are they using? Maybe it is the display and not your work. BTW, I agree two is by far the best. One is too dark, two is natural, three looks like I did it. :D
I like 1.5 the best. It was hard to pick between 1 and 2 because I wasn't there when the picture was taken so I didnt know if something was making the day darker than its suppose to or anything.
I bascially took 1.5 and adjusted the midtones in curves and it came out real nicely.

It's funny how you forget those "Auto" functions because they seldom work correctly.

In this case, it worked! Thanks, Lacero.
That's funny. I rarely get the results I want from letting the computer do its thing. Oh well, happy clients = money + more clients.

By the way my first reaction to the original question (even without reading further) was #2. 3 hit me as almost cartoony.
Kobushi said:
That's funny. I rarely get the results I want from letting the computer do its thing. Oh well, happy clients = money + more clients.

By the way my first reaction to the original question (even without reading further) was #2. 3 hit me as almost cartoony.

That was the argument/discussion we were having. They "discovered" the highlight shadow tool and wanted to make EXTENSIVE use of it, which was driving me nuts. I used that exact word "cartoon."
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