You must be thinking _really_ long term then. At $10/month for netflix, it is nearly 20 months just to cover the cost of a $200 ATV unit. Then you have $2 rentals for most TV shows and $5 rentals for most movies. If you figure 1 rental of each per month, then you are only really saving $3/month with Apple TV (not $10) meaning you are at around 66 months before you save the $200. By then your ATV will need to be replaced anyway.
And if you have a bunch of DVD's at home that you want to watch on Apple TV, you have to use Handbrake to rip them into your library (plan on 1-2 TB of disk space for media space). This is a pretty big hassle, but _really cool_ once you have it up and going (especially for movies the kids watch over and over). It's also very nice to be able to display your own home movies and photos on to the ATV.
Bottom line, though, if you are strictly talking about TV and Movie content that you don't already own - it's pretty tough to beat the cost of a Netflix subscription and a $100 Roku player. With the Roku you can rent movies on-demand from Amazon, and stream a wide variety of stuff from Netflix. You just can't display content you already own.
I am a video editor/compositor by trade.
I wanted the functions of the ATV but didnt care to spend the cash on the box.
Fixed via Amex rewards
Thanks all