The kind iTunes music store staff allowed me to redownload all of my moviesI'm just trying to recover my ripped DVDs now rather than ripping them all again. Yes I know I should backup but I don't have an external with that much space, I'm now going to get a 1TB external though. Does anyone know why Apple doesn't allow just manual drag and drop with Apple TV like you can for an iPod? I hope for that in a future update...
I would suggest that you subscribe to a cloud based service... even as a higher priority than a local backup. I like both Mozy an Crashplan. I am currently using Crashplan+. Both will take a long time for the initial backup (my 500 GB took about 5 weeks) but once the backup is complete, then it just takes a very short time. I automatically back up to the cloud every hour, and I never notice that the backup occurs. I also use TM locally as well, for quick recovery. Crashplan+ gives unlimited versioning... so I have access to every file ever created on my Mac back to the beginning of time. Of course, I do relax the "granularity" of saved backups as they age. I do not need hourly backups of data years old. For example... over 1 year old... I am saving only a monthly backup.