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Original poster
May 26, 2004
Randy's House
I am submitting some work to a state contest and was hoping people could look at the following gallery and let me know what three they like the best (if any):


I'd also appreciate any feedback (different crops, color, focus, etc.)



macrumors 68020
Jun 13, 2005
1, 3 and 13.

I love the sense of gravity in 13, and the way the lower left picks up the Osprey's eyes in 3.


Original poster
May 26, 2004
Randy's House
thedude110 said:
1, 3 and 13.

I love the sense of gravity in 13, and the way the lower left picks up the Osprey's eyes in 3.

Thanks - yeah although I do not think the one with the eyes is the best of the osprey series from a closeness/sharpness point, I do think the eyes make it a bolder picture - especially with the blood dripping off the fish. :D

Exactly the kind of feedback I need. :)


macrumors G4
Aug 2, 2004
5, 7, 13.

It's hard to tell how much shadow detail you've got in these since they've been shrunk so much, so that may change my thoughts.

Why I like them:

5 - Dawn rising on the marina, sunlight casting shadows on the larger boats as a solitary kayak/canoe (?) wends it's way westward.

7 - I'm a sucker for a good sunset shot.

13 - Again, a good sunset shot with the light streaming through the stilts. If you've got good detail on the rocks and the house, this is a really nice one.


Is it just a general contest or are they looking for something in particular? What sort of photo usually wins?


Original poster
May 26, 2004
Randy's House
Lau said:
Is it just a general contest or are they looking for something in particular? What sort of photo usually wins?

It's a contest held by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.

It can be anything to do with the Chesapeake Bay and there are no set categories - the image just have to convey the "beauty" of the bay through its wildlife, scenery, sports, activities.....etc.

Here are some of the winners:


macrumors G4
Aug 2, 2004
So it looks like you need to do a lot of artificial color saturation...


Original poster
May 26, 2004
Randy's House
emw said:
So it looks like you need to do a lot of artificial color saturation...

Pretty much. That heron image looks really... real. :rolleyes:

I take plenty of crappy shots (believe me, my success rate is low), but I like to think my colors are true to life.


Dec 12, 2005
3, 11 & 13 for me.

The Osprey in 3 has such presence. The person in the kayak to the front of 11 gives it a real human touch. 13 I just love because of the strength of the image.

Good luck.


macrumors 6502
Jun 22, 2006
I say
Spa Creek
Last Cast
Thomas Point Light

Beautiful colors and contrast. The bird ones need to be cropped tighter or framed wider. They also look like they could use a good curves adjustment.

I would crop "Osprey Eyes" closer around the bird and fish and give it a curves tweak.


macrumors 68030
Dec 8, 2003
Yes... hard to choose.

I like 6&7, but I think the background detracts from the gold warmth in the rest of the images. So nix to them I say. If they were over open water, they would be picks.

My first instincts brought me to 5&9, but after review I think 5 is probably not special enough for a competition. But I think 9 has a very nice feel to it, somewhat cinematic. (again that dark horizon, but what can you do)

10&11&13, have a nice light feel, which contrasts 9, of them I think 11&13 are the best there. I'd probably lean towards 13 because the sky is more interesting than a canoe. These remind me of a certain Monet painting (well actually he painted that scene a few times with a different color cast each time).

I'm not a fan of the birds, but I think 1 is the best. It has a certain zen/balance to it. When I first saw it I thought, "cut off the top." But then after imagining the crop in my head I see why it is the way it is. Its one of those pictures that you first think the rule of thirds or golden mean will help, but the picture is such that you cannot remove from it without messing up the balance itself.

No since, I'm assuming you don't win the competition based on how well the choices jibe together (9&13 don't go well together at all) I'd say 1 & 9 & 13 would be my choices.


macrumors 68030
Dec 8, 2003
iGary said:
It's a contest held by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.

It can be anything to do with the Chesapeake Bay and there are no set categories - the image just have to convey the "beauty" of the bay through its wildlife, scenery, sports, activities.....etc.

Here are some of the winners:
Love them all. I think 13 is your best chance for a win.


macrumors 6502
Aug 10, 2005
between flesh and thought
Crop 9 to emphasize the lines of the sails, or crop 13 to either emphasize the water or sky, your choice. Pick one, crop it, and you'll win. Hell If you put up a full size with water mark, I'll show you what I mean.

Awesome photos. I really love those too and hope that I have a similar opportunity to do what you have done.


macrumors 6502
Mar 27, 2006
London, UK
9, 11 & 13

I think you have a winner with #13.

Although the sky is fantastic in #9, the schooner is underexposed. If there is anything you can do about this, it would definitely improve it.

I would choose #11 because it is a beautiful picture, but it also shows life by the river.

My first instinct would have been to go for one of the Ospreys (#4), but as beavo said they are going to require some PP. Although it is a great moment that you have captured, the background is distracting.

Good luck.


macrumors G4
Aug 2, 2004
Yeah, I keep coming back to 13. The osprey ones are nice, but it seems as though the shots are almost dominated by the backdrop - whatever it it. If you'd been able to capture one in the air with it's prey, or snagging it out of the water, that would have been cool. As it is, it's almost depressing that it takes it's dinner back to a Coast Guard station or something.

Number 1 is good because it's a pure nature shot - no interference of boats and buildings and cell phone towers, but a good predator/prey shot. I think you'd really need to play with the saturation to make the bird and the fish jump out of the image, and maybe make the water look less murky.

Number 13 seems to capture what is a somewhat unique feature of the area, or so I'm guessing. You wouldn't have to do much color retouching on it, I don't think.

It's interesting that last year's winners were mostly close-ups.

Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
10 and 13 stand out for me - nice shots. I've seen 13 every time I've driven down to NC and I always wanted to get a pick of it.

One comment though - you should make the thumbs all on one page - its not too hard in Aperture and that way you can look at all 13 at the same time.



Original poster
May 26, 2004
Randy's House
Mr. Anderson said:
10 and 13 stand out for me - nice shots. I've seen 13 every time I've driven down to NC and I always wanted to get a pick of it.

One comment though - you should make the thumbs all on one page - its not too hard in Aperture and that way you can look at all 13 at the same time.


Fixed thumbnails - thanks. :) (Refresh necessary.)
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