Catalina is not compatible with a lot of my software, it turns out after reinstalling Mojave and then running the terminal command -
sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set:Mac-F221BEC8:ContinuitySupport true" "/System/Library/Frameworks/IOBluetooth.framework/Versions/A/Resources/SystemParameters.plist"
It works straight away! Airdrop & handoff.
However as soon as I enable SIP again it stops working
I tried again running CAT tool , this also fixes it but when I enable SIP the WIFI hardware is no longer detected..
I don't get it I've read all the forums and followed it to the letter.
Installed Mojave again and will try again tommorow.
Finally fixed it..
Only thing I changed was after running the two terminal commands from this thread, was to reenable SIP when I was rebooting.
this works in HS and mojave (not testet in catalina):
It does say to reboot and enable SIP, I was rebooting to check it was working before swapping back out my GPU, turns out my Mac didn't like that.
So for anyone else stuck just follow the instructions..