whats the name of the tweak that gets rid of the chrome "Chrome just got better" because chrome downloader hasnt been updated yet :-(
What it does: Loads apps automatically on boot
In detail description: I want Skype to load automatically whenever I reboot my phone. Is there an tweak out there to do it?
Didn't noticed Gridlock 2.0 is out! Hav anyone tried it??
I'm looking for a tweak that allows me to Airplay from my phone to multiple Apple TV's. Currently I can only do this from my Macbook air.
Is there a tweak to add a "Seconds" wheel to the Timer tab of the standard Clock app?
Is there a tweak to add a "Seconds" wheel to the Timer tab of the standard Clock app?
Hello, I'm looking for a couple of things if anyone would be kind enough to help me out. If you look on this screenshot of my lockscreen, you'll see that Lockinfo is currently overlapping the clock widget I have in the background. Is there a tweak to let me change the position of Lockinfo, or at least a way to do it anyway? I can't see the ability to do that in Lockinfo's settings.
Also, does anyone know of the tweak to create this red part of the status bar from this screenshot? Although it is currently blank, it'd be awesome to see the clock in the red part too. If that red part was there alone and could be combined with a transparent status bar like IceStatusBar that would be perfect.
A couple of other things, is there a list with screenshots anywhere of various springboard widgets? I see some awesome ones but I'd love to see a wide variety to pick and choose.
Also, does anyone know if there's an iOS6 alternative to AnyVoice, the tweak that lets you change Siri's output voice but keeping the input recognition the same? AnyVoice currently crashes the phone any time Siri is used.
One last thing (seeing as I've asked for all the other stuff), is anyone aware of a tweak to change Siri's mic colour to red? All the ones I've tried so far simply don't work, unfortunately. That's all though. Thanks a lot guys. That's all I need to get my perfect iOS.
Can anyone tell me the plist I have to edit to change the lockscreen clock color?
Hi. I was wondering if there's an app or tweak that makes weather app say with the last information when the phone was still online with wifi or 3g. what i mean to say is, that 3G is very expensive in my country and whenever I want to know what's the weather around me, I have to turn on 3G or find a wifi spot. So, is there a tweak that shows the last information saved when phone was still on the internet. Also, is there any way to change the default weather app to another, which does the things listed above. Also, would it change the weather app in notification bar too. Thank you.
The tweak to re-arrange the Status Bar that works with iOS6? "RearrangeStatusBar" doesn't work on iOS6. Cheers!