Anyone knows if theres a tweak that disabled that the phone is always searching for WiFi?
I want my Wifi on ofc but I want it disabled when it's locked as well.
Their is none..
Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2
That is one thing that would save up a lot of battery .
Yes it would
Wifi on uses battery period
Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2
Also off - since it searches all the time then.
Your saying wifi searches when its off?
When you're outside your door theres no wifi on your device. You put it down in the pocket and go right in. When you're inside, wifi has automatically turned itself on. That means, it's always searching for any known wifis in the area. So yes to your question.
When you're outside your door theres no wifi on your device. You put it down in the pocket and go right in. When you're inside, wifi has automatically turned itself on. That means, it's always searching for any known wifis in the area. So yes to your question.
I'm looking for something that disables my Stock app. I'm always touching it by mistake but I want it there for the look.
You know when Evasi0n had it's problems with the weather app - it just crashed out. Anything I can do to cause the similiar effect on the Stocks app?
Hey Auxo, I found just the ticket: POOF! It's in Cydia and it's free. I was using Springtomize 2 to hide all the stock apps I didn't use/need and this app does the same in a much smaller footprint and very little RAM. Love it! Finally got rid of Springtomize. But it won't hide Newsstand so I installed NoNewsIsGoodNews.
I want it to show! just, not startup when I press it.
Well, you could make a copy of the icon and paste it onto an iBlank icon, then hide the "real" Stocks icon using Poof! or Springtomize.
What it does: Automatically displays the Notification Center so that you don't have to manually swipe it down from the status bar.
When a message is received, the Notification Center drops down instead of a pop up from the receiving app, like a pop up from phone, mail, etc.
Is this possible using Activator? But then, technically, any action involving Activator is not automatic. Swiping is still a physical action. Automatic, to me, means just that - no physical contact/swiping or gestures.
Why not just tap the notification