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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 7, 2008
Ok, so I am thinking of jailbreaking my phone mainly for the reason of being able to tether to my laptop. I currently have a legal version of netshare on my iphone (yes I was lucky enough to get it before it got banned), but I can't get it to work with windows vista, and I guess niether can anyone else. So my options are get a mac, get xp on the laptop and hope it works, or jailbreak my iphone. I have read a lot about jailbreaking but so far none of the posts I've read have answered the questions I have, so here are my questions.

1) If I jailbreak my phone does it still sync with itunes and my music/movie library? I do have an always expanding library because I use itunes a lot.

2) Can i still install and use apps I have purchased through the app store and itunes?

3) Will I still be able to purchase music through itunes on the iphone?

4) Can I still sync with mobile me?

5) For someone like me who hasn't jailbroken their phone and feels completely content using it locked down as is, but would rather be able to tether, is it worth it, and is there any disadvantages?
Ok, so I am thinking of jailbreaking my phone mainly for the reason of being able to tether to my laptop. I currently have a legal version of netshare on my iphone (yes I was lucky enough to get it before it got banned), but I can't get it to work with windows vista, and I guess niether can anyone else. So my options are get a mac, get xp on the laptop and hope it works, or jailbreak my iphone. I have read a lot about jailbreaking but so far none of the posts I've read have answered the questions I have, so here are my questions.

1) If I jailbreak my phone does it still sync with itunes and my music/movie library? I do have an always expanding library because I use itunes a lot.

2) Can i still install and use apps I have purchased through the app store and itunes?

3) Will I still be able to purchase music through itunes on the iphone?

4) Can I still sync with mobile me?

5) For someone like me who hasn't jailbroken their phone and feels completely content using it locked down as is, but would rather be able to tether, is it worth it, and is there any disadvantages?

really you see didn't these exact questions when searching? you try mroogle/com?

any ways since im here...
1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. yes
5. yes and no

Just so you know JB doesnt change any of the features that a normal phone has. It just gives you the capabilities to do things that should've been done originally. Such as cycorder, winterboard/customize, etc just do it...I can't find a negative to being JB my battery lasts 2.5 days.
also if you download Dtunes and safari download plug in from cydia ... Dtunes is just like itunes but FREE and you can download over edge wifi and has everything you need.
I've also been seriously considering a JB. I wouldn't use the tether because when I have my laptop I'm almost always around WiFi.

However, I WOULD use Cycorder and QiK alot... really really confused why Apple won't include a 'legal' video recorder and/or streamer.

Yes, to all of the above.

What's even better, is that if for some reason, you decide that you don't like it, it's reversable. :)
After JB, everything still works normally as before.
It really is a no brainer. I didn't know what I was missing until I did it now I can't imagine going back to the 'jailed' phone.
After JB, everything still works normally as before.
It really is a no brainer. I didn't know what I was missing until I did it now I can't imagine going back to the 'jailed' phone.

+1 to this. I was reluctant to do it, and now I can't imagine going back.
I've actually been on and off with the jailbreak since I've had it. I've jailbroken every firmware since 1.1.3 and I'll tell you the jailbreaks have just become more stable and organized.

Personally, I think the app store is crap. Out of the thousands of apps available, paid or free, I have three on my phone (1Password, Shazam, Classics). The rest is pretty much useless trash to me. With Cydia there's SO MANY useful apps. I'm still a minimalist when it comes to installing and I make sure anything I'm not using is removed but I still have a fair share of stuff.

Personally I don't think there's an icon theme that's better than stock, but the new video ringtone I downloaded last night is worth jailbreaking for alone. On top of that, the desktop and lockscreen weather widget from Katra is gorgeous and saves me time from having to open up the actual app (it gets it's info from Yahoo! as well so it's the same as looking at the original weather app). AND I got rid of those pesky page dots.

I'm sure you see where I'm going. Take the two and a half minutes and do yourself a favor. I promise if you're conservative and only get the essentials you won't be disappointed. :cool:
Screw it!

I'm joining the dark side today.

To h3ll with Jobs and his lack of a video recorder!!

Will update my progress.
I'm with you now I think, I'm ready to get going. Just a quick hijack if no one minds. Am I reading stickies correctly? If I am a windows user and keep firmware 2.1 I can't jailbreak yet?
I'm with you now I think, I'm ready to get going. Just a quick hijack if no one minds. Am I reading stickies correctly? If I am a windows user and keep firmware 2.1 I can't jailbreak yet?

That is not correct.

I'm on 2.1 and used my windows laptop to jailbreak. pwnageTool will hook you up in no time.
Thanks, glad to hear it! Sounds like reading up and breaking might make a perfect Saturday afternoon project.

Ah I think I see what I misread. The 3g is good to go except for unlocking.
jailbreaking is awesome, you can like almost any app and you can get it straight to your iphone easily

Download and Install cracked ipas directly on ur phone
Appshare and Installous allow you to download ipas directly from your phone and install the applications directly on ur phone without needing a pc.
1. Open Cydia, goto manage then click on sources, click on edit then add. Add the following source -
2. tap on the source once added
3. download installous and then appshare.
4. close cydia and then open appshare
5. click on or the monkeysballs
6. begin searching for the ipa u want to dl
7. tap on the app then scroll down till u see "download" tap on that
8. choose any of the iphone-freindly links
9. follow the host directions to download
10. tap download in when promted to
11. once download has hit 100%, hit intallous at the bottom of appshare
12. once intallous opens up tap on the file u download
13. tap install
14. wait for it to install (this will take a few mins)
15. once the screen return to normal u can close installous
16. inspringboard u will see ur newly *free* appstore app and enjoyy
Ok I need some help please... used QuickPwn and it said everything went fine but now I'm stuck on the Apple Logo of Death and I can't get to the springboard.

I've searched the forums but can't find a solution... anyone help?
Ok I need some help please... used QuickPwn and it said everything went fine but now I'm stuck on the Apple Logo of Death and I can't get to the springboard.

I've searched the forums but can't find a solution... anyone help?

you have to wait like a couple minutes
I went ahead and restored to factory settings, then did Quickpwn. It installed fine, so now I'm doing a restore of my backup (taking forever).

I'm HOPING after this all my settings will be the same and I can reinstall all the apps and music (which will also take a long time).

Updates in awhile...
if you have a lot of apps you needed to backup in iTunes, do a restore to a bare 2.1 phone then run quickpwn. After pwn'ed you can then restore your backed up apps and data. From experience both pwnage tool and quickpwn have tendency to get stuck and hangs on the pineapple/apple logo if there is a lot of apps installed.
At this point try restore to get out of the hung state then try to quickpwn again.

update: I see you already did that. You WILL be able to get all your backed up data back unless for some reason the backup got corrupted. Good luck!
Thanks very much! :)

I'm trying exactly what you suggested.. it's a SLOW process but here's hoping it'll work! :)

- Darth Jake * New to the DarkSide *

WHY, oh WHY did I wait so long? JB is the BOMB!! :D :D :D

Loving my Cycorder and QiK..

Now just have to reinstall all my apps and music and it's the Dark Side for life!
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