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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 22, 2008
When iPad was released, they talked about it on the show, and the concensus except for a show regular, Ralph was nobody understood what it was for. Ralph talked about various functions that were great for on the go that we all know and love, video, music, web, photos, comics, newspaper....etc but nobody else bit.

Last week, Howard was give a gift by Aston Kucher (did I spell that right?) and Demi Moore, a 64 Gig 3G iPad.

Today he talked about how much he loves it.....all the features he didn't understand....he now gets, he loves it.

I thought this was all great. I think even with the booming sales and overall supply and demand, It is very representative to the overall general feeling towards the iPad.
Howard Stern hasn't been relevant since the 90s. Early 90s.
If by "high" you mean looped out, maybe. Otherwise, might as well have Mickey Rooney talk about the iPad.
Howard who -

Not sure? Maybe he's related to Captain Stern?

Wow.....the responses kind of surprise I've been listening to Stern for 20 years and have a lot of friends who also listen. Didn't realize he dropped this far off the radar :eek:
I have been a huge Stern fan for years and I think he is at the top of his game. Lets pray he signs with Sirius again!
Wow.....the responses kind of surprise I've been listening to Stern for 20 years and have a lot of friends who also listen. Didn't realize he dropped this far off the radar :eek:

He didn't, the previous posters simply are not fans and don't understand how much of an audience he still has and how much money he still makes.
Anyone who puts hot girls on a sybian is alright in my book!



If you've listened to Stern for the last 20 years then maybe the call letters WCCC ring a bell? I work 5 minutes from their Asylum Hill headquarters. :D
I have been a huge Stern fan for years and I think he is at the top of his game. Lets pray he signs with Sirius again!

Top of his game? Wow. You should really listen to his late 80s/early 90s when he was funny. His divorce and bitterness towards any other "shock jock" (Howard invented everything :rolleyes:) took all the funny away.

If you've listened to Stern for the last 20 years then maybe the call letters WCCC ring a bell? I work 5 minutes from their Asylum Hill headquarters. :D

Heh heh I think about 5-10 years before I began listening. I got into him at the tail end of NBC and became a BIG fan when he had just gotten to K-Rock...sheesh thinking about it, I started listening when I was 13, I'm 37 now so almost 25 years :eek: :p

Top of his game? Wow. You should really listen to his late 80s/early 90s when he was funny. His divorce and bitterness towards any other "shock jock" (Howard invented everything :rolleyes:) took all the funny away.

I half agree with this. He was "inventing everything" and bitter towards other "Shock Jocks" looooong before the divorce.

I think that bitterness and extreme fire as a result is when he was at the top of his game.

He's still good, but that loss of fight from competition to management took a bit of edge away. The show has definitely changed, but I still enjoy it for my morning drive. I particularly love the History of series he puts out around the holidays....brings me back.
Howard is awesome. Glad he finally got an iPad since he has been stuck with using a blackberry for his phone. He has been gettingnsome big stars on the show lately.
Yeah, he's about ten years outside of being culturally relevant. Sorry.
Yeah, he's about ten years outside of being culturally relevant. Sorry.

Since when did being culturally relevant become something to which we aspire? The cast members of Jersey Shore are culturally relevant. Doesn't mean I want to hear their opinions or emulate them in any way.

Howard Stern puts on a show. If you like it, listen to it, if not you don't have to. Never understood people who think we all have to listen, watch, or use the same things. Mac users out of anyone should understand that.
Howard Stern became one of my guilty pleasures when his show appeared on the radio I got with my car a few months ago. I could do without some of the more sophomoric raunchy bits, but the guy is just invariably interesting. And given the non-music alternative of listening to the news, or politics, he's a welcome relief.

I heard him say today that yesterday, his day off, he spent most of the afternoon just fooling around on his iPad. One of his callers said that the iPad should get Howard to look at the iPhone and Apple laptops, since he himself switched to Macs after being so impressed by the iPhone. He described using Apple products as just a very pleasant experience.

Just please keep this between you and me.
Despite all the superficial dirty talk, Howard Stern has always been a truthteller.
Howard is relevant to me. This is very interesting. I may try to find the show clip where he talks about the iPad. I stopped listening when I got too lazy to hook up Sirius everyday at work and got sucked into local sports radio but I've always been a fan of Howard. Listened everyday for a long time.
Wow.....the responses kind of surprise I've been listening to Stern for 20 years and have a lot of friends who also listen. Didn't realize he dropped this far off the radar :eek:

He hasn't dropped off my radar for over 25 years. He has entertained me nearly every day for over half my life. Anyone trashing him on this site was never a true fan anyway. You either get Howard and appreciate him for the genius that he is or you just join the hoards of people that just think he's a lowlife. It doesn't matter to me. I'm glad he likes the ipad. I'll never undestand why he likes Sex in the City though. And Sarah Jessica Parker... If there was ever a poster child for a Butter Face, she would be it.
I would like to know how many of those that are saying he is washed up and "lost his funny" have listened to him since he went to satellite.

Since he no longer has any of the big brother rules of the government to worry about he is 10X funnier.

Just one thing is when sal & Richard prank a local radio show that does a sort of on air classified ads called Tradio. Those calls could NEVER be played on terrestrial radio.

And as far as relevance, it was relevant to the OP and to others as it seems so if you don't care hit the back button on your browser.
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