Hi again, Verisure is a security company in the Scandinavian countries offering some smart home components. Most typically door/window sensors, smoke alarms, door lock, and such, but also more "exotic" components like water leak sensor and even a mouse sensor for attics or basements. I have both these latter two units and they break the login when running the Verisure plugin (these are obviously identified through my user). I was hoping there might be a way to select which components to load, but it seems not.
However, I have had homebridge running successfully on my Mac for a few days with two platforms (Harmony and Sensibo), to see whether I want to make the Pi investment. To get more out of homebridge, I yesterday tried to install the Ring doorbell platform, but that did not work. After removing it, I now get an error with the setup that has worked, and I just can't figure out how to get it working again. Here is the error message I get when starting homebridge:
Fan-Andersen-Home-iMac:~ famandersen$ homebridge
[2/20/2018, 9:21:10 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-harmonyhub
[2/20/2018, 9:21:10 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-harmonyhub.HarmonyHub'
[2/20/2018, 9:21:10 PM] ---
[2/20/2018, 9:21:10 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-sensibo-sky
[2/20/2018, 9:21:10 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-sensibo-sky.SensiboSky'
[2/20/2018, 9:21:10 PM] ---
[2/20/2018, 9:21:10 PM] Loaded config.json with 0 accessories and 1 platforms.
[2/20/2018, 9:21:10 PM] ---
[2/20/2018, 9:21:10 PM] Loading 1 platforms...
[2/20/2018, 9:21:10 PM] [Harmony Hub] Initializing HarmonyHub platform...
[2/20/2018, 9:21:10 PM] Loading 0 accessories...
Setup Payload:
Scan this code with your HomeKit app on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge:
Or enter this code with your HomeKit app on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge:
│ 031-45-155 │
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: bind EADDRINUSE
at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:1018:11)
at exports._exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:1041:20)
at _handle.lookup (dgram.js:219:18)
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:83:11)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:104:9)
at Module.runMain (module.js:606:11)
at run (bootstrap_node.js:393:7)
at startup (bootstrap_node.js:150:9)
at bootstrap_node.js:508:3
Fan-Andersen-Home-iMac:~ famandersen$
[Restored 21 Feb 2018 at 06:41:17]
Last login: Wed Feb 21 06:41:10 on console
Restored session: Tue Feb 20 22:17:04 CET 2018
Fan-Andersen-Home-iMac:~ famandersen$
When this worked, it would load the three Harmony activities so there might be something with Harmony? Any insights into this?