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macrumors 6502
Sep 13, 2007
Orlando, FL
@HobeSoundDarryl, Just as you say there are many options in the sea of good sounding speakers, there are many preferences and opinions other than your own as they relate to HP's and Home Theater. I don't believe anyone in their right mind would disagree that there are better options for home theater, especially when accounting for the specific layout of your TV room. In this case, however, it sounds like @Mark Holmes and I seem to share the same opinion that they are "good enough, take up little space, are wireless and they require very little to no set-up" and that all of those things combined outweigh the risk that our speakers may become software obsolete before the hardware does. We are entitled to that opinion, just as you are entitled to your own.

Further, can you guess what OS I just updated my OG Homepod to? That's right, version 16.4. What chip does the OG HP have? The A8. What other devices share the A8? The iPhone 6, the iPad Mini 4, and the iPod Touch 6. NONE of those device support iOS16, do they? So one can assume that Apple will obsolete the OG HP at some point, and I agree with everyone wholeheartedly on that... but we are in uncharted territory here, aren't we? Could they sunset the OG HP in version 17? Sure. But personally, I don't think they will. And even if they do, I think we'll see a useful life far beyond whatever OS version they end.
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