Do it... use it, try a roll of film.... I love it but it is very expensive to get processed here now - no space to do it myself.
The twins and the other 35mm film camera are all Leicas.
My letter dates the camera to Christmas 1923 but I don't think putting film in this is going to do much.
ETA: I'm in the middle of googling. Although the placard on the camera does actually say Brownie, I think what I have is in fact a Kodak 2A Hawk-eye Model B Folding Camera.
ETA #2: I watched a video and it seems to operate exactly like the Hawk-eye but the markings are slightly different. The front of mine says No. 2-A Folding Autographic Brownie. I think it might work if I can find replacement bellows (and then figure out how to install them). I would make something on my own if I had the foggiest notion of what to do; I'm handy with a sewing machine and fabric might last better than the chipboard like material that seems to have disentegrated. I'd just have to figure out how to give it structure.
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