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redAPPLE said:
Apple isn't saying it, but read between the lines and it says, "The MacBook Pro is in reality an iBook PRO...".

it is 4-5x faster than the powerbook g4 (as long as you don't use pro apps).

what's that all about Apple?

maybe because there are no pro-apps out yet that are universal....
direzz said:
ok if i buy the mb pro right now, what is your input... i cant handle how this macintosh world works.. all these rumors and speculations. it frustrates the hell out of me and certainly makes swithing such a big deal.
fact is, i want to swith
i wanted the powerbook so i can handle using photoshop alot. thats one of the major things i will be using for. photoshop is my life and school too lol.
but anyways.. input please on if i should wait or buy.

what an irony, some ppl here got interested in Mac precisely because of the whole world of rumors and speculations, the immense cult for Steve and its autocratic management of Apple... and the faith of its crowds :p
Rev A

I have been struggling with this buy or wait issue myself. I played with Photoshop CS2 at Macworld, and true it didn't blow me away, but it still runs hecks of faster than PS 7 does on my Powerbook (867mhz tibook). I can only imagine the performance once the universal Binary versions are available.

Then again it is a Rev A. and there have been some bad ones. The B+W G3 Rev A is a fine computer - if you like to replace logic boards, for example... G3 Kanga? you get the point. This is a different Rev A for Apple however, with the Power PC chip Apple had to engineer the CPU Bus to the logic board, which is were many of the Rev A glitches were... This time the bus is being supplied by the chip manufacturer and is a pretty amazing bus at that. PCI express busses have been proven, and shouldn't have many issues, if any.

Also the Macbook Pro is sooo pretty. I love that it is back to the svelte form factor of my Ti book, but with better hinges. Frankly I think Rev B, might offer some nifty features and could be worth the wait, especially if you want a 17" model, but really I don't think you will have regret either way.
Wait until at least rev D - that way all the problems will be ironed out. Well, most of them anyway. If the current PowerBook range is anything to go by you'll only have lines on the screen, dead Ram slot and battery life problems to worry about :rolleyes:
To the OP - what exactly do you do in Photoshop that needs so much speed and power? What size files do you deal with? Is this print production work? What sort of computer have you been used to using up until now?
If you earn your living in the graphics trade, routinely deal with 200+mB files with multiple layers, need to have Illustrator and InDesign running as well and have been using a Dual 2.5 PM with 2GB ram, or maybe a quad, then perhaps you'd better wait until Adobe put out the Intel-optimised version (which some sources say is not that far away), and Apple bring out an Intel 'PowerMac' equivalent.
Or, if you currently have an 3 year old PC, mess about with postcard size photos for school projects and don't have deadlines on which your life depends, then I would think that you would be very happy with a new Intel Mac.
thank you all for your tremendous input. i think im defintiely going to wait until people get their hands on the mbpros and see what they are like. i definitley need it to run fast in photoshop. thanks again
Personally, I have a hard time believing that if you currently use a G4 processor and intend to buy a Macbook, then you'll almost certainly see huge speed increases on ANY application you use - even running Photoshop with Rosetta.

Sure, if I had an iMac G5 and upgraded, the speed diferences are slighter, thus I can imagine Photoshop being frustrating for a while, but for an iBook user like me, I have absolutely no reservations in buying a Macbook and not assuming that everything is going to be much sweeter!
Is adobe going to release Universal versions of CS2 or will we have to wait for CS3 for those?
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