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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 29, 2004
Whenever i turn my Mac Mini on the welcome sound thing thats set up is driving me nuts :mad: I can't figure out how to change it. PLEASE HELP ME :p

Sun Baked

macrumors G5
May 19, 2002
If you want to change the start-up chime, it should be rather easy to hire a team of hackers to hack the Mac ROMs and find the sounds in firmware -- yank them out and install new ones.

Shouldn't cost too much over $10-20k dollars.

Of jam something into the headphone port and try silence for 50¢


macrumors 68020
Jan 23, 2005
You even have welcome sounds at all?

Ewww... I hate sounds from the computer - for a power user like me, I know when stuff happens and when stuff doesn't - i don't need sounds...

But, I would assume its in the sound area of Mac OS X. If you still want sounds, you can download better ones...


Staff member
Feb 1, 2005
Twin Cities Minnesota
In other words..

The sound is coming from a Chip on your Motherboard, not any hard disk. It has been this way since the Macintosh 128k back in 1984. Why would you want to change such a great sound ;)

Sorry we couldn't help you change it!


Sun Baked

macrumors G5
May 19, 2002
840quadra said:
In other words..

The sound is coming from a Chip on your Motherboard, not any hard disk. It has been this way since the Macintosh 128k back in 1984. Why would you want to change such a great sound ;)

Sorry we couldn't help you change it!

It could have moved to the ROM files on the drive, I usually have the sound turned off -- so I don't remember if the sound showed up before or after the machine bootstraps from Open Firmware to the ROM file.

But in reality, it's the same difference if you are hacking the bootstrap ROM or the ROM file that is loaded from the drive to continue the boot process.


macrumors member
Mar 16, 2004
A temporary solution...

Just hold down F3 when turning on your Mac (every time you don't want to hear the chime). Or you can mute it before turning off. Easy as that.


macrumors 68000
Sep 4, 2003
Yeah, just turn the sound off before you shut down then the next time you start up, the sound won't play.

Its quite cool connecting up to some really loud speakers with the chime on start up. Good to impress people :p

baby duck monge

macrumors 68000
Feb 16, 2003
Memphis, TN
EGT said:
Yeah, just turn the sound off before you shut down then the next time you start up, the sound won't play.

Its quite cool connecting up to some really loud speakers with the chime on start up. Good to impress people :p

except that on the mini the startup sound only plays through the internal speakers, even when you have other speakers plugged in. it's weird like that. :confused: :rolleyes:


macrumors P6
Oct 20, 2002
The way that I have the chimes from my Mac off is very simple. I have an external stereo sound system plugged into the sound port on the back. Only have the sound turned on when I want to listen to a CD, iTunes, or QuickTime.


macrumors 68040
Nov 5, 2002
dotdotdot said:
Ewww... I hate sounds from the computer - for a power user like me, I know when stuff happens and when stuff doesn't - i don't need sounds...

I partially agree with you except some sounds are more of a luxury than a burden. The startup chime is like the all ok as the computer starts up ... I don't see why your user designation would effect whether or not you need this chime. I don't mind the chime because I don't shut my mac down more than once a month ... like your supposed to.

Sounds for system events are good, occasionally iCal has to remind me of things to do or Mail to tell me when I've got a new email, they're actually more beneficial to a "power user" becuase your busy doing other things too busy to watch for new email.

So all in all, some sounds aren't necessary but I don't think it has anything to do with your user level or experience, unfair association.


macrumors 68020
Dec 6, 2004
dotdotdot said:
Ewww... I hate sounds from the computer - for a power user like me, I know when stuff happens and when stuff doesn't - i don't need sounds...

I was curious dotdotdot, how is it that you help other people with their mac problems when you don't even have a mac?


Staff member
Feb 1, 2005
Twin Cities Minnesota
I actually like the Macintosh Startup chime.

It actually has meaning, as opposed to the Windows login chime.

The Macintosh startup chime tells you that the chips on the motherboard are good, the system has good memory, and it is redy to start booting. The boot process then starts and you are off.

For some reason I enjoy the Macintosh startup chime, I always think it is odd when I boot my Dell notebook, or my Optiplex and it makes no sound.


macrumors Core
Jan 6, 2004
that startup chime has come to be welcome in my opinon, its annoying when you are out in public with your 'book though


Staff member
Feb 1, 2005
Twin Cities Minnesota
PlaceofDis said:
that startup chime has come to be welcome in my opinon, its annoying when you are out in public with your 'book though

Heh, when I was using my friends Powerbook at a large work meeting, I booted it up and the chime was at full volume.. I just waived and smiled to everyone in the room, and watched it boot up..
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