While we are on the subject of GPU options, why does Apple only offer ATI (AMD) desktop GPUs rather than ATI's (AMD's) workstation class GPUs? Surely they should offer a workstation card for a workstation machine? And I mean built in not a 3rd party option like the Quadro. Why use a gaming GPU on a system which is not really used, or even good for Gaming?
I couldn't agree more. And seeing that 3d apps increasingly are turning to using the GPU for mega-power rendering (OpenCl and CUDA)...this is going to become a game-changer for me if Apple doesn't address it.
If by the release of Lion and the next Mac Pros...if Apple hasn't
1. Addressed it's woeful OpenGL
2. Shown it can work much better with GPU vendors to land the best cards
My next major system will be a Windows beast for all my 3d work.
Apple is the richest, most powerful tech company in the world. They can do whatever they want. Increasingly I get the impression that Apple doesn't care much about the Pro user. More and more they are becoming a consumer company.
Top Apple consultant John Guber said that the future of Mac is the Air and the iMac.