Another Mac app that in my opinion is horrible is MSN Messenger. It constantly disconnects. I decided to just ditch it and switch over to Proteus which is an MSN Client for mac.
Calebj14 said:Ummm...., have you tried iMovie? It came free with your iBook.
djjon said:Another Mac app that in my opinion is horrible is MSN Messenger. It constantly disconnects. I decided to just ditch it and switch over to Proteus which is an MSN Client for mac.
Hakkinen said:yes, I use imovie to import my videos from my canon camcorder. But the files are rather huge! a 5 second video takes up 17MB!
Is there any software (hopefully freebies), that can let me compress the file, say to VCD format, which is much smaller. This way i can keep my entire holiday video on my ibook without wasting gigabytes of space.
You can compress it to Mpeg-4, which if done right, can have very good quality. If you want even more, you might try mencoder...which is a free software and has very very good compression, though it is difficult to use.Hakkinen said:yes, I use imovie to import my videos from my canon camcorder. But the files are rather huge! a 5 second video takes up 17MB!
Is there any software (hopefully freebies), that can let me compress the file, say to VCD format, which is much smaller. This way i can keep my entire holiday video on my ibook without wasting gigabytes of space.
I read on other forum about how to use mencoder. Sounds really complicated to use since it only runs on the terminal and i am still so new to mac OS. Probably i will go check out my friend's Toast to see if it works.Fukui said:You can compress it to Mpeg-4, which if done right, can have very good quality. If you want even more, you might try mencoder...which is a free software and has very very good compression, though it is difficult to use.
Because all is not right with the universe, it appears.How come my Windows XP is more stable than Mac OS?
Any of those could potentially cause problems, with the possible exceptions of VLC and Netscape. I've never heard of half of these....when downloading from versiontracker, read the reviews and references first. If there's only one or two reviews, and a lower download count, chances are you're dealing with a little-known, and potentially problem-causing, bit of 3rd party software.So far i have downloaded handbrake, sidetrack, Diva, MSN messenger, Netscape, Eric's ultimate solitaire, VLC, menu meter, A4 wireless mouse driver.
There are many encoders on Versiontracker that wraps mencoder in a gui.Hakkinen said:I read on other forum about how to use mencoder. Sounds really complicated to use since it only runs on the terminal and i am still so new to mac OS. Probably i will go check out my friend's Toast to see if it works.
Any other software other than mencoder?
kel said:Hi,
When I first got my iBook 800 G3, it worked perfectly. After about a month, it started having kernal panics and crashing. I erased the hard disk and reinstalled. I learned that you need to repair permissions with Disk Utility (in the Utilities folder) regularly. You should repair permissions especially after installing software and updating. When updating, repair permissions before updating also.
There are three unix maintainence scripts that automatically run between 3 and 6 am. When these run, there is a lot of disk activity that can heat up your computer. If your comp is off or sleeping during these hours, then the scripts will not run. You can use a utility like MacJanitor (don't know if it works in Panther), to run these scripts at any time.
I repair permissions at least once a week and more often than that if possible because I make and delete a lot of my own apps. MacJanitor is run as often as I can. After doing all these things, the computer doesn't panic anymore and software hardly crashes unless I do funny things to the system and software.
Editted: Panther is a new OS and their still working out all the new bugs. I'm running Jaguar OS 10.2.8.
just do it from imovie file> share> quicktime> expert settingsHakkinen said:I read on other forum about how to use mencoder. Sounds really complicated to use since it only runs on the terminal and i am still so new to mac OS. Probably i will go check out my friend's Toast to see if it works.
Any other software other than mencoder?
beg_ne said:From iMove goto File -> Share
On the sheet choose Quicktime and choose Expert Settings from the dropdown then click export.
At that point it will ask you what the filename should be, if you dont see the options click the Triangle to the right of that to get the extended options. From there you can choose what format to encode to and what settings. No 3rd party apps or QT Pro required. You can even download codecs such as divx and realmedia and they will be added there.
billyboy said:Erase the volume from Disk Utlity and then install Panther. Repair permissions, do the combo upgrade from Software Update, repair permissions. After that, download and install whatever you like, but just repair permissions before and afterwards. It sounds a pain, but it is worth it.
I suggest you install anacron which will do the cron (maintenance) scripts behind the scenes for you, and if you should ever have any wierd inexplicable slowdowns, using Onyx, clean the caches. When you restart, the system will appear slow, but it speeds up.
When you have the system working to your liking, go to Disk Utility and create a bootable disk image of your system.
If you have a string of problems after a proper re installation, suspect RAM first, and check your handbook to explain how to take out any extra RAM.
Hope that helps, because OS X is pretty much bomb proof if you play fair with simple maintenance tasks.
Its possible that it may be defective. My moms AC Adapter started getting really hot (melting the wire) and wouldn't charge her PB, so we took it to the apple store and they gave her a new one free. Maybe you should have them look at it...Hakkinen said:My rubber bumper experiment to tilt the ibook up so that heat can escape underneath is not working.
The fan turned on 8 minutes ago and still running.
One thing too, my battery charger/adapter is super hot. Is this normal?
I remembered the last few times i use, it was just slight warm. But 2nd time today the adapter is super hot.
I shall probably post this on the hardware discussion now.
Fukui said:Its possible that it may be defective. My moms AC Adapter started getting really hot (melting the wire) and wouldn't charge her PB, so we took it to the apple store and they gave her a new one free. Maybe you should have them look at it...
I would stick my neck out and say that you should take a deep breath, and try and forget about the heat thing. First up, the AC adaptor can get hot, especially when your are doing intensive work (downloading video into iMovie for instance) while charging the battery. Try to keep the adaptor in a cool place, unless it starts to not work, don't worry.Hakkinen said:My rubber bumper experiment to tilt the ibook up so that heat can escape underneath is not working.
The fan turned on 8 minutes ago and still running.
One thing too, my battery charger/adapter is super hot. Is this normal?
I remembered the last few times i use, it was just slight warm. But 2nd time today the adapter is super hot.
I shall probably post this on the hardware discussion now.
Paulo the Limey said:I would stick my neck out and say that you should take a deep breath, and try and forget about the heat thing. First up, the AC adaptor can get hot, especially when your are doing intensive work (downloading video into iMovie for instance) while charging the battery. Try to keep the adaptor in a cool place, unless it starts to not work, don't worry.
Second, about the rubber feet- don't bother. Place the iBook flat on a desk, with good ventilation all around the vents. It'll probably conduct heat away better directly through the table rather than trying to increase air flow underneath it.
Third, apologies if someone has picked up on this already, but can you give more details on the A4 wireless mouse that you have installed drivers for? Is it USB? Some USB drivers can cause lots of strange occurrences.
Hope this helps, and calm down, your mac isn't really behaving that badly- a little TLC and it'll last you a damn long time![]()
Anacron handles things like trimming old entries from your system's log files (so your logs don't grow excessively large - one user here reported that over 40 GB of hard drive space was dedicated to one log file!), deleting old caches that aren't used anymore, and other general cleanup tasks.Hakkinen said:I took a look at anacron at apple's downloads, it says it does the 3am maintenance task at anytime when available. But pardon me for asking, what sort of maintenance task it handles. How will it help our ibook/powerbooks?