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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 14, 2021
Charlottesville, Virginia
Over the years I have ripped my CD to MP3s on Windows and imported the files into iTunes. I have the song ratings embedded into the MP3 and iTunes maintains the song ratings in its own database.

I am now interested in getting a MacBook Air soon and am using an old MacBook Air running macOS Monterey (Version 12.7.2) to try a few things out. I am looking to move my MP3 Library to this computer as a test, but it no longer has iTunes and uses the Music app. How do I import my iTunes library and still see the ratings?

On Windows, this is my Music folder setup
  • "C:\Users\Mike\OneDrive\Music": One directory for each artist. Also includes the iTunes folder
Note that I am also looking to use OneDrive as a common place for my music files.

Any help will be appreciated.


I think you should be able to use Migration Assistant
Thanks. I gave that a try but all it did was copy the music from my Windows computer to the Mac, including the "iTunes Library.itl" file without converting it to the Apple Music library format (Music Library.musiclibrary).
OK, I figured it out. I used “iTunes Library.xml” instead of “iTunes Library.itl” for the import. i did have to search and replace the directory names in the xml file before the import.
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