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Jethryn Freyman

macrumors 68020
Original poster
Aug 9, 2007
So, I know it *used* to be possible. Or at least, I do remember at some point in time under either iOS 5 or 6 on either my iPhone 4S or 5 that Filmic Pro could record at 720p at 60FPS.

The option was there. Actually, if I recall correctly, on my iPhone 4S with iOS 5, I could record at 60FPS with it. And then because of iOS 6 or something not letting them, they had to remove the 60FPS recording feature.

Nothing since I've found has been able to record at 60FPS, or rather, anything greater than it.

Any help guys?

And sorry for the vagueness of my post :)


macrumors 6502a
Aug 2, 2011
Nope you post is not vague and nope you can't anymore ;)

You can however, use another app which increases quality of the video/photo due to compression features which of course is still under the app's control and not iOS :D (Example - MoviePro)


macrumors 68030
Sep 12, 2011
The iPhone 5 can shoot 1080 video at 30fps. 60fps has not been achieved by any cell phone to date. That includes all smartphones from 2008-present. Smartphone cameras can achieve 1080p video recording as well as high resolutions.


macrumors 68020
Jul 24, 2002
Westchester County, NY
The iPhone 5 can shoot 1080 video at 30fps. 60fps has not been achieved by any cell phone to date. That includes all smartphones from 2008-present. Smartphone cameras can achieve 1080p video recording as well as high resolutions.

Except that, until iOS 6, there were a few apps that found a workaroudn and allowed the iPhone to do just that. Unfortunately, Apple killed that ability and broke the apps in the process.

Jethryn Freyman

macrumors 68020
Original poster
Aug 9, 2007
Except that, until iOS 6, there were a few apps that found a workaroudn and allowed the iPhone to do just that. Unfortunately, Apple killed that ability and broke the apps in the process.
Exactly. Filmic Pro was one of these apps, I have some really cool 60FPS movies. Shame that I can't do that anymore since I've going to the Australian Grand Prix this weekend, fast cars and all :)


macrumors regular
Mar 11, 2013
Why you need 60 fps for if your brain can only handle max 20-30 fps? Doubling fps sounds like a waste of battery and space. Unless you want to make slow-motion videos, then I recommend you to buy a slow-motion camera which does a much greater job than a tiny smartphone camera.

And by the way, if you upload your 60 fps video on youtube, it will downgrade to 30 fps.
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macrumors 68020
Jul 24, 2002
Westchester County, NY
Why you need 60 fps for if your brain can only handle max 20-30 fps? Doubling fps sounds like a waste of battery and space. Unless you want to make slow-motion videos, then I recommend you to buy a slow-motion camera which does a much greater job than a tiny smartphone camera.

Yes, I used to use SloPro to make slow-motion videos before Apple broke it.

As they say, the best camera is the one you have at the time. Most stand-alone products do things better than a smartphone can, but I always have my phone on me so, for convenience alone, it was nice.

Jethryn Freyman

macrumors 68020
Original poster
Aug 9, 2007
Why you need 60 fps for if your brain can only handle max 20-30 fps? Doubling fps sounds like a waste of battery and space. Unless you want to make slow-motion videos, then I recommend you to buy a slow-motion camera which does a much greater job than a tiny smartphone camera.

And by the way, if you upload your 60 fps video on youtube, it will downgrade to 30 fps.
Brain can only handle 20-30FPS?

If you've ever played a first person shooter video game, let alone nearly any game, you'd know that a load of ****. Let alone the fact it's easy to see the difference between a 50Hz and 100Hz television.
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macrumors regular
Mar 11, 2013
Brain can only handle 20-30FPS?

If you've ever played a first person shooter video game, let alone nearly any game, you'd know that a load of ****. Let alone the fact it's easy to see the difference between a 50Hz and 100Hz television.

Of course, brain can handle more than that. Read this article and you'll understand.

Try it out.

And by the way, here is quote of one cinematographer Naim Sutherland:

''The goal of motion pictures is not to recreate reality, it's not even to show reality. I want to create a little psychic link between you and my pictures. I want to suck you into the world of the story, suspend your disbelief and make you forget about yourself and your life and just be in the moment of the film.

By not showing enough visual information, we force the brain into filling in the gaps... it draws you in even more. It's part of how you let go to the point where you can laugh or cry or feel tense or afraid or elated.

And of course more frames per second doesn't mean that movie is great. Ever seen anyone advertising movie based on it's high fps?


macrumors newbie
Mar 7, 2013
I don't know who is working on it, is there a team devoting any time to getting this feature in ios6+?

Why would apple take away something so cool?
And why isn't it bigger news? And why does slowpro continue to claim 60fps and refuses to correct the people still saying it has 60fps?
I want 60fps...:(
If there is someone working on this I'm sure people would slip them a few dollars to commit some real hours towards getting 60fps back.
It's just a few folders that have changed names and locations in the phone.. Can't be too hard


Staff member
Dec 7, 2002
New Zealand
And why does slowpro continue to claim 60fps

Because SloPro itself still supports it. I just downloaded the latest version of SloPro and it does indeed offer 60 fps when running on iOS 5.1.1. The restriction must be in iOS 6 itself; Apple doesn't appear to be enforcing it for individual apps (i.e. Apple didn't pull the 60 fps-capable SloPro from the App Store).

Ryan Burgess

macrumors 6502
Jan 26, 2013
Of course, brain can handle more than that. Read this article and you'll understand.

Try it out.

And by the way, here is quote of one cinematographer Naim Sutherland:

''The goal of motion pictures is not to recreate reality, it's not even to show reality. I want to create a little psychic link between you and my pictures. I want to suck you into the world of the story, suspend your disbelief and make you forget about yourself and your life and just be in the moment of the film.

By not showing enough visual information, we force the brain into filling in the gaps... it draws you in even more. It's part of how you let go to the point where you can laugh or cry or feel tense or afraid or elated.

And of course more frames per second doesn't mean that movie is great. Ever seen anyone advertising movie based on it's high fps?

Actually, your eyes can only process about 14-15 FPS. Believe it or not, it's true, and you can test it like this: Wave you hand i front of your face semi-quickly. You'll see a lot of motion blur, and your hand will not be clear at all. Now make the same movements in front of a camera recording at 30 FPS and you'll notice the HUGE difference in quality! :D


macrumors newbie
Mar 7, 2013
Actually, your eyes can only process about 14-15 FPS. Believe it or not, it's true, and you can test it like this: Wave you hand i front of your face semi-quickly. You'll see a lot of motion blur, and your hand will not be clear at all. Now make the same movements in front of a camera recording at 30 FPS and you'll notice the HUGE difference in quality! :D

That's movement.. We can't track things closely.. But the missing frames that aren't seen when viewing something recorded in 30fps as opposed to 60fps do take from the smoothness of the footage.
Don't you agree?
We can focus on something moving fast in real life.. But a 30fps camera, unless its moving at a speed that matches the moving object's speed, will show a blur.. 60fps means the shutter speed is also faster. No?
So we can record clearer shots and if our eyes follow that object when played back they will appear clear.. And not a blur..

Or do I completely misunderstand photography?

Ryan Burgess

macrumors 6502
Jan 26, 2013
That's movement.. We can't track things closely.. But the missing frames that aren't seen when viewing something recorded in 30fps as opposed to 60fps do take from the smoothness of the footage.
Don't you agree?
We can focus on something moving fast in real life.. But a 30fps camera, unless its moving at a speed that matches the moving object's speed, will show a blur.. 60fps means the shutter speed is also faster. No?
So we can record clearer shots and if our eyes follow that object when played back they will appear clear.. And not a blur..

Or do I completely misunderstand photography?

Yes, you're completely correct also. The reason 60fps video looks better to us is because theres twice the amount of pictures (frames) being taken. However in real life, we don't even notice the lack of frames because our mind can only process so many it doesn't see the blurriness.

:eek: Hopefully that made sense.


macrumors 68020
Jul 24, 2002
Westchester County, NY
Completely off track at this point... with the basic answer being that, since iOS 6, Apple has killed the ability to film at 60fps.

Regarding the eyes, 12fps seems to be the magic (low end) number were our minds fill in the gaps and perceive motion instead of a slideshow.

As for the high end number, there are too many variables to link it to any one number. In a study, scientists flashed an image of a plane for 1/220th of a second to pilots. Not only were they able to see it, but they could identify what model it was.

Otherwise, there are too many variables between how alert someone is, if you're talking strictly about main focus or peripheral vision, what kind of lighting there is, and countless others.

Peripheral vision is especially good at seeing at incredibly high rates. I know I can easily see flickering if I look perpendicular to a CRT monitor set to 60hz, LED Christmas lights or the tail lights in Cadillacs.


macrumors newbie
Feb 9, 2009
SnappyCam Pro can take 960x720px (4:3 aspect) photos at 60fps on the iPhone 4S under iOS 5.

That makes for some amazingly fluid living photo sequences... or, if you like, you can pick out a single photo from the sequence. Getting the timing right and taking just one shot--the right shot--is often very difficult otherwise.

We're not taking about freeze-framing a video, either. I'm talking about full dynamic range photos, and without any video compression artefacts.

The iPhone 5 camera *hardware* is also capable of 60fps. Apple has just chosen to bar software from making use of it with iOS 6 going forward. If only the iPhone 5 could run iOS 5. ;-)

Disclaimer: I developed SnappyCam. There's a major update in the works that will unlock 1280x720px 60fps (16:9 aspect) photos on iPhone 4S/iOS-5, too. It otherwise shoots high speed photos at up to 2112x1584px on the iPhone 5. This is not meant to be an infomercial, but feel free to check out the app. :)

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macrumors 603
Jun 7, 2011
It otherwise shoots high speed photos at up to 2112x1584px on the iPhone 5. This is not meant to be an infomercial, but feel free to check out the app.

Are you ABSOLUTELY sure it's capable of resolving that many pixels? For my forthcoming article, I've made some very serious tests on the absolutely clean, just-restored, 6.1.4 (no jailbreak, no previous restored backups, no nothing) iPhone 5 to properly evaluate the image quality of SnappyCam and found it to be much worse in “Extra FoV” mode than even in the smallest-resolution modes (let alone the “Large” FoV mode, which basically operates on 1080p video framegrabs). The same is the case under iOS 7.0b3.

This is the highest-resolution (“Extra Large FoV” ) mode (2112 x 1188) with in 16:9 mode:

and in 4:3:

And this is the “Large FoV” (as has been explained above, simple 1080p framegrabs):

As you can see, these screenshots are WAAY better than those of maximal resolution.

The other FoV modes' resolutions are, as expected, the same as the source video files. They're also in the dedicated Flickr set ( )

Could you please look into the problem so that I can publish as timely info as possible in my article?


macrumors 603
Jun 7, 2011
Are you ABSOLUTELY sure it's capable of resolving that many pixels?

Just a quick heads-up before I publish all this in my full Action Shooting bible (after publishing my panorama / HDR / low-light roundups):

I've very thoroughly tested the recent update (3.0.0).

I've tested the three best (highest-resolution) modes (all in 4:3) the new version on my iPhone 5 (6.1.4, non-JB'n).

Resolution: great in all three modes – that is, in the two larger-than-Full HD modes too! That is, it no longer has problems in resolution(s) higher than Full HD.

Effective fps, benchmarked with my programmatically generated 60 fps tester video:

Full FoV: After the first 7 frames (with between 3-4 framedrops; effective framerate: around 15-20 fps), 12-18frames between (effective framerate: around 4 fps)

Extra Large FoV: around 3-4 frames between all frames during the entire recording (effective framerate: around 15-20 fps)

Large FoV, 30: true 30 fps

That is, in the highest-resolution mode (“Full FoV”), the framerate drops from the 15...20 default to around 4 after some frames. If you need as high framerate as possible during as much time as possible (with definitely better resolution than Full HD), use the “Extra Large FoV” mode (the one with the second-highest resolution). Finally, if 30 fps is important for you and the somewhat lower resolution (Full HD) and significantly narrower FoV isn't a problem, use the “Large FoV” mode.


macrumors newbie
Feb 9, 2009

Thanks for your test results. I've been in touch via e-mail.

It would be great to have clarity on your test setup and procedure. I have seen higher sustained frame rates at the full 8Mpx FOV setting.

Important considerations are:
  • Good battery charge
  • Geotagging disabled
  • Sound disabled in the app settings
  • Noise reduction off in the advanced app settings
  • A "warmup": taking a few full-length photo bursts (see below) before using it for "the real deal"

As you can appreciate, SnappyCam pushes the device to the absolute limits and the {geotagging, sound, noise reduction} take away valuable CPU cycles during a capture, minimizing the chance of a dropped frame.

The "warmup" is important because it ensures that SnappyCam is allocated enough physical RAM (memory) from the iOS operating system.

Any memory allocation jitter (where iOS has to evict other apps from the system, or reclaim used memory within the system services) would almost certainly drop frames.



Jun 29, 2008
New York, NY
Why you need 60 fps for if your brain can only handle max 20-30 fps? Doubling fps sounds like a waste of battery and space. Unless you want to make slow-motion videos, then I recommend you to buy a slow-motion camera which does a much greater job than a tiny smartphone camera.

And by the way, if you upload your 60 fps video on youtube, it will downgrade to 30 fps.

Wow..I think you are going to have a lot of problems in life.


macrumors newbie
Dec 26, 2013
RE: 60fps

You can record at 60fps on iphone 5 but you need an app that can do this.
ProCamera 7 can record at 60 fps but the resolution will be at only 720p. And yes, you can notice the difference, especially when you move the camera around while recording so your brain can distinguish between 30fps and 60fps.


macrumors newbie
Dec 10, 2015
Why you need 60 fps for if your brain can only handle max 20-30 fps? Doubling fps sounds like a waste of battery and space. Unless you want to make slow-motion videos, then I recommend you to buy a slow-motion camera which does a much greater job than a tiny smartphone camera.

And by the way, if you upload your 60 fps video on youtube, it will downgrade to 30 fps.
maybe only your brain can handle 20-30 fps becuse you can see 144 and higher


macrumors 68040
Jun 28, 2009
Encinitas, CA
RE: 60fps

You can record at 60fps on iphone 5 but you need an app that can do this.
ProCamera 7 can record at 60 fps but the resolution will be at only 720p. And yes, you can notice the difference, especially when you move the camera around while recording so your brain can distinguish between 30fps and 60fps.

It's actually called, "PowerCam 7".
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