If you do this (change permissions) for the other folders in the Applications folder (Utilities and Applescript etc.) then they cant get to those applications in those folders either (through Apple-Shift-G "Go to Folder" in the finder). You might make all the apps invisible too, just make sure at least there's a dock icon or shortcut somewhere, and that at least root is the owner and still has Read Write and Excecute permissions so you can log in as root at some later time and change them...if you need to.
The result will be that only the root user (you should make sure your password is very very good) can only view/change/execute the items whereas all other users (in the group you specify) can execute items in those folders (via the dock or shortcut) but cant actually see the items contained (if they choose "reveal in finder" they'll get nothing, even from the terminal ls -ax will just get them a "permission denied") therefore, they absolutely should not be able to copy any apps.
Or...this might be better, but will take a little more time on your part.
1 Lock the Applications folder and any other folders inside (Utilities, applescript etc).
2 Make sure that root is the owner of those folders. (You'll need to activate the root user or be an admin to change it back)
3 In each application right/control-click and choose "show package contents" no navigate to the "MacOS" folder and inside that folder is the actuall "Executable" file. Change its permissions to only executable from all users except root (keep root as read/write/execute).
Now, since you locked the applications folder, items can only be copied and not moved out of applications. Secondly, since you changed the real executable to "execute only" when any user tries to copy it, the executable file wont be copied...they can double click it all they want and it wont launch.
The only downside is, some apps like MS Office and Dreamweaver Photoshop etc might not be "packages." In that case you can choose to make the support folders invisibe like the ones for MS Office (so when they copy the MS Word for example, it cant run because of missing "libraries"), but still others make it near impossible to limit the permissions because they don't conform (its technically long and borring explanation about older carbon apps)...
The easiest to implement is the first option IMOH...
Here is a pic of what to do inside each app if you want to go down the harder path: