Originally posted by Fukui
Yea it shows this menu, but when you choose it, the finder should show nothing right?
**Just as a note, the finder caches things so when you are choosing to "show in finder" its not actually accessing the icon, its remembering it...
The solution is to re-login or quit the finder, and it wont work any more.
If you wanna make any menus unusable, you need to edit the .plist file in the actual dock application. To do this, go to /system/library/CoreServices/ and select the dock, and choose to "view package contents" then navigate to the Contents/Resources/English.lproj or whatever language you are using (make sure the users cannot change thier language settings if you dont wanna edit all of them,) and open the file called DockMenus.plist . You'll need a program called plist editor which comes with the free developer tools, or you can edit it with textedit (you'll have to edit the XML directly though.)
**You'll need to change permission to your user temporaraly or login as root to save the changed file.
What you do then is find the subcategory called processes under "root" and then open the third one labeld "3." Select the 3 and choose "New Child," now label that child "enabled" and press tab to end the editing. Be careful because the editor will re-order the list by alphabet so what you selected won't be the same, so reselect the enabled category that you added, and change the "Class" from string to boolean, and then under "Value" change that to "no."
I've enclosed a picture of what to add in english.
You can see the path on the top of the picture.