For me I have a very difficult time fighting off the urge to buy the newest tech. I’m just curious how anyone here is able to stick with older iPads, Macs, and iPhones. How dourge without giving in and buying the newest or latest or greatest?
The first question is, "why do you feel you need to have the newest, latest, and greatest?" I doubt the answer is because you need those new features... and it is more likely a feeling of "missing out". But answer that question, and you'll go a long way toward contentment.
The best antidote to that is to recognize Apple's marketing (both overt and subliminal) for what it is. What I mean by that is to take a cold hard look at the device you have and what Apple is offering in the latest gen.
Apple (and their fanbase by extension) does a masterful job of hyping up gimmicks into "must-have" options. Pro-Motion is a good example. Before Pro-Motion was released, nobody was complaining about the poor refresh rate of the screen. But once it came out, then magically the iPads without PM became slow stuttery messes.
Nobody complained about the latency of the Apple Pencil 1. But once the Pencil 2 was released, the Pencil 1 was "unusable".
Those are just 2 examples... there is a long list of many more. Apple also fosters and preys on customer's "fear". Fear of missing out on the latest buzz, fear of running out of storage space, and fear of costly repairs. This is why their profit margins are upgrades above the base models are so high. People will spend more for more storage. By inflating their out-of-warranty repair prices, they buoy the incentive to pay for AppleCare+.
I know that there will be a flurry of people replying how the advancements in the iPad are "must-have" and give their reasons for that belief. That's fine. I have no desire to convince them to think otherwise. But for people like you who want to do something different, this is a big step toward that.