So being more serious, what I SHOULD have asked is "obviously you can use the camera connection kit and USB to get video onto the iPad, but it is horrendously slow and unreliable. Is this how people who edit video on iPads (if these people exist) will be doing it on the iPad pro?"
As someone who actually does do video editing on the iPad and iPhone then
I'm going to let you in on a little secret.... These people DON'T exist.
Yes, there are people who WANT to do video editing on an iPad.
Yes, Apple does lots of video editing demos in keynotes
Yes, Apple (kinda) has the tools to (kinda) get the job done
But no, the amount of people who regularly edit video is minuscule (I'll even say that half the people who claim to do it often are liars or exaggerators because most people dont subject themselves to this sort of torture). And several of the biggest reasons are exactly the topic of this thread.
- Obtaining source files requires far too many hoops
- Camera Connection Kit is inconsistent and unreliable
- Video editing without proper control methods (mouse/keyboard/Trackball) is aggravating
- Storage space is too limiting
Now. As I said, I frequently do video editing on my iPad and iPhone because I often need to do same day edits of for shoots while on the road and don't always have a computer. So this is my iOS Setup:
- DSLR (equipped with WiFi SD Card)
- Sony RX100 M3 (WiFi capable. NFC capable too but Apple crippled NFC on iPhone)
- iPhone 6+
- iPad Air 2
- iMovie (Decent but pretty awful and lacking compared to the Mac version)
- Sony Photo Transfer App
- WiFi SD Card Transfer App
- (Paid App, Free for Desktop Client. Much more reliable than AirDrop)
1) Shoot Footage
2) Review footage on built in screens to mark video to sent
3) Send video clips to iPad using corresponding apps
4) Edit in iMovie (Lots of finger dragging and pinching and... crashing)
5) Export to Camera Roll
6) Send to iPhone to upload
The workflow seems like it could use a lot of refinement but this is actually as streamlined as I could get it over the last 4 years. And thats because, while video editing on an iPad may make a great tech demo, in reality its an awful mess that is taking an already tedious task and putting bricks on it. (And lets also keep in mind the alternate Mac method of video editing is "Insert SD Card, Import Files, Edit, Export" with full control of files and effects and nearly unlimited access to everything because it has an actual file system and remove able storage)
That said. I cant wait for the iPad Pro because I love the idea of editing on tablets and I'm very curious to see how an A9X, Large Screen and Pencil will change things. Through my Apple Lover Goggles I see all positives, but in my rational mind all I can think is "If I'm going to carry a 13" screen around then why the heck isn't it a MacBook Pro"
So in conclusion...
I think editing stuff (fun stuff/family stuff) on the iPad Pro would be fun.
Yes it can be done. No it won't be "fun".