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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jan 20, 2009
macOSX = Catalina 10.15.7
early 2016 iMac and 2017 MBP
Brave broser with cookies & scripting = ON
the VPN application is initilized at power up
FIOS all in one box = Zyxel c2100z

with my private VPN running:
Sometimes i am having issues with a web sites resolving, the Brave borwser indicator is spinning counter clockwise. Slow performance but eventually it resolves in a few minuites..

i initially setup both the iMac & MBP as:
SystemPreferences -> Network -> Advanced -> DNS = / "house1"

i notice:
-when running the vpn applicaiton it connecting to US or Asian based destinatuions, the Sys Pref DNS domain = "openVPN" but the ip address can varry. Intermittant performance but most of the time it work and the DNS resolves in a second or two. Even when the Sys Pref DNS changes to "openVPN" this is no guarantee the DNS will resolve as expected.
-sometimes the vpn application dosnt modify the Sys Pref DNS settings and it stays / house1. This always leads to the above slow performance

i hae an iPhone7 with 14.3 and installed the free ios app form openVPN. I obtained openVPN config files form the private VPN web site. Both domestic and international connects work w/o issue.

anything helps here including basic network theory on DNS vs VPN.

a side note is:
-how private is the openVPN's DNS choice?
-is my internet providor altering the DNS selection?

thanks in advance.


macrumors G3
May 17, 2008
  1. Browsing with VPN is slower
  2. OpenVPN is secure to usee
  3. VPN provider uses their own or other DNS servers, not your ISP, so don't worry
  4. Check test to see if there is DNS leaking and if your ISP is altering somehow
  5. I can't help if you are setting up your private VPN, but this is as secure as browsing without VPN(if not on public Wifi network)
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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jan 20, 2009
i use openVPN on my iPhone with the same VPN provider. It works w/o issue. Maybe uses significant battery. So am reluctant to change my VPN provider unless they can run on my iPhone7.

i have 1Gb fiber and am not able to connect my open soure router directly to the fiber. Unable to negociate my embedded fiber user id and pw on their system. I can put the fiber modem box in pass through mode but it behaves badly. Just thinking about a rumor i read that some fiber providors are over writing the customer's DNS with their own.


macrumors G3
May 17, 2008
Some devices do force using their own DNS, YES, but if you enable a VPN on your device like macbook or iphone it will be ignore. I am not sure what happens if you enable the VPN on the router itself.

I am not sure I understand your setup but if you don't find the help you need here I encourage you to join reddit and ask in this community :
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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jan 20, 2009
I am hoping this statement points the iMac to the PFSense box for all its non VPN DNS needs.
implementing it on a iMac by defining Catalina 10.15.7 SystemPreferences -> Network -> Advanced -> DNS
Search Domains = MYhouse
DNS Servers = //the address of the pfSense box

sometimes with the VPN operatonal for domestic servers the settings are changed as SystemPreferences -> Network -> Advanced -> DNS screen changes like
Search Domains = openvpn
DNS Servers = &

sometimes with the VPN operatonal for asian servers the settings are changed as SystemPreferences -> Network -> Advanced -> DNS screen changes like
Search Domains = openvpn
DNS Servers =

-i dont fully understand the Searh Domains setting
-i grabbed another mac computer this morning. A MBP we use in the house and it reliably operated the VPN; resolveed names into ip addresses with out delays. Comparing this computer to the iMac i oculd not really see any differnces that would matter. I manually moved the iMac lan ip address from to and reset the router. the iMac, the VPN for a asian server, started working but the SystemPreferences -> Network -> Advanced -> DNS settings were = MYhouse / so go figure??

1Gb fiber -> fiber modem -> pfSense firewall -> router
the router has hard wire ethernet for:
airpport extreem wifi (MBP & other wifi devices)
the iMac & other ethernet cabled devices)

FYI; i was using the ios network tool from Fling

anyways an interesting problem. It seems to be working now but...
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