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macrumors demi-god
Original poster
Nov 6, 2020
So they are fully customizable chips - with “apis” to the cores for faster calculations on specific data?

Seems like a very cool thing to do!


macrumors 68020
May 4, 2020
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
So they are fully customizable chips - with “apis” to the cores for faster calculations on specific data?

Seems like a very cool thing to do!
Of course. The API must be public, thought. The Accelerate framework at Apple is a good example of how to use vector computation on both Intel and ARM chips. This framework has been recompiled and re-optimized for ARM since inception on iPhone chips. Same for Metal which gives you access to the GPU resources.
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macrumors newbie
Jan 14, 2019
Anchorage, AK
Exactly. You get rid of the GUI. You can’t on macOS. So you always have to deal with the ”very” high memory consumptive GUI of macOS Even when using it in server mode. I’m not aware of any mean one can boot without UI on macOS.

There's now official Linux support for the M1. It's missing some drivers such as graphics acceleration, but if you really need it, then you'd be running the MacOS anyway. Darwin might also be supported, since it runs on ARM64.


macrumors 68040
Aug 31, 2003
Wherever my feet take me…
M1 Mini for server ? Maybe in a year after our organization vets the OS and apps plus if Apple comes out with 10GBe or Fiber port ?

Currently I work at an organization where we have 20 of the Intel Mac Mini 2018 with optional 32GB RAM and 10GBe CTO/BTO. These 20 Minis are tied to each location's MDF for Apple caching service (Apple apps & OS update) as well as 12TB local user storage for iPad & iPhone users (authenticated VLAN users only).
Looks like you can CTO/BTO 10Gbe on the M1 Minis. Kind of curious to see how they’d run with something like Sonnet’s rack mount PCIe enclosures? Add in some more networking & storage. Probably won’t win any prizes in performance, but still a kind of cool idea.
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