I played World of Warcraft on my 8GB RAM 512GB SSD (8 GPU cores) MacBook Air M1 for several hours on an external 5k Display (Apple LG version) on high resolution (1440p) and medium settings (5). The few times I looked, the DPS always was above 30, and the game felt fluid and well playable (or I wouldn't have played for hours
I originally wanted a 16GB MacBook Pro M1, but this was not available locally until January next year. To have something to play with (not that I would need another Computer, really), I bought the model mentioned above. This will certainly keep me going until the next generation appears.
I also tested a larger work project with Xcode, for those interested, and the performance is very good, too. It felt as snappy
as on the MacBook Pro 16" which cost 4 times more (in my almost maxed out variant).