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Certificate of Excellence

macrumors 6502a
Feb 9, 2021
Managed to get my Dual cpu 2.0ghz PMG5 InterwebPPC score. It did better than I had expected.

Speedo PMG5 Dual 2ghz1 .jpg

Ryan Bremer

macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 14, 2022
maybe the speedometer could also be done on debian/fienix or voidppc, since those linux distributions are lightweight it would work better :D

Ryan Bremer

macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 14, 2022
nope, morphos works too :D 5.6 is a pretty good score for a PowerPC Mac.

Certificate of Excellence

macrumors 6502a
Feb 9, 2021
nice, you got the highest score of them all in this thread! :D
And the lowest I think LOL. DW was such an improvement in score, I am now curious what my a1047 score might bump up to. Also, I am very curious what is making the difference between Interweb and DarkWeb. I am not that well versed in browser anatomy to understand why one browser would result in an increase of 1.8 over the other.

Also, I know there are some folks on here that own the quad variant of my dualcore a1117. I would love to see that score too even if it knocks my crown off. I think a Quad would be the only PPC machine capable of potentially cresting double digit (10+) scores using DarkWeb.


macrumors regular
Jan 27, 2018
Is there a download link to this Dark Web browser somewhere? I’m dual booting between MorphOS and Sorbet and would like to also try. Thanks
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Reactions: Ryan Bremer


macrumors regular
Jan 27, 2018
Hmm, I can't even access that site from any of my computers. I've tried on Ventura, PopOS! and obviously Sorbet:
I obviously have access to the internet as I'm posting here :D

Screenshot from 2023-09-06 19-39-39.png

Certificate of Excellence

macrumors 6502a
Feb 9, 2021
Speedo ibook g4+DW1.jpg
I was playing around with my ibook contemplating puting Sorbet on here so decided to run speedo+Tiger+DW while I had it out. Not too shabby.

Im pretty sure I have a hdd with 16.4 Lubuntu on it around here somewhere. If I can find it, Ill stick it in my DP 2ghz a1047 and see what it scores this weekend.
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Reactions: Ryan Bremer


macrumors 6502a
Dec 8, 2019
The Lab DX
After seeing some of these scores I had to take a stand and claim the spot of....

the worst score in the thread. Ladies and gentlemen, Beige Restoration Project scored


With 480 runs per test, this means that it apparently took about 874 minutes, or about about 14.5 hours, which is very incorrect as the system has only been up for 4.2 hours.

With 480 runs per test, this means that it apparently took about 263 and a half minutes, or about about 4.4 hours, which is still incorrect even after I corrected my math.

Sidebar, OP should totally have a leaderboard because that sounds fun.

edited: my math was incorrect and I've corrected it
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