64GB/256GB/Hex Core/D700/3 x 27" Cinema
At the same time I built up an absolute top of the line PC for gaming, which is similar to the nMP and as good a computer as I could build.
4.6GHz i7 water cooled/AMD 295x2 Water Cooled GPU/32GB/2xSSD RAID/LG 21:9/Thunderbolt 2.0
I don't do benchmarks but evaluate by how it goes in real world use. Notes ...
- The nMP is quieter than the fully water cooled PC by a long shot, and it's a tenth the size
- The nMP works mostly flawlessly (99%), while the PC is glitchy (just reboot!) and had to be "tamed" when I first turned it on
- The PC is a much faster computer for much less money, the nMP feels like a stately old grandmother in comparison
- The PC is far more configurable, with more options than the nMP which practically isn't configurable at all.
I love them both. I prefer the stability of the nMP for my real work, where reboots are intolerable. While there have been a few glitches it has performed as expected. But I paid far less for far more performance with the PC, which is needed for the gaming performance I wanted.
Conclusion; a lot of people strain to turn Mac Pro's in to gaming machines or PC's of some type, I'd never bother unless you really needed to do this. Far, far better to have each for their respective jobs. If I could have only one, it'd have to be a nMP because there's no other way to run OS X. If I didn't have to have OS X I'd do the PC, you get way more for way less.