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We always had apple computers at home, I took a PowerBook (160) to college, then a TiBook after basic since I had to spend that enlistment bonus. In '03 I bought PowerMac then I stopped buying Apple after the transition to Intel.
I would use them in college since they were always free in the computer labs thanks to the command + click being the default. No one knew how to use them so they were always open. They were the white, flat iMacs that looked like giant iPods.

I didn't actually own a Mac though until 2009. Thanks to Windows Vista sucking I switched to Apple permanently.
Mac Plus in 1986. Did my MBA thesis on it in Word & Excel with software I wrote using Lightspeed/Think C.

Used a Mac II CI to develop FX options pricing software in the late 80s than ran on 300+ similar machines on trading desks worldwide.
Since 1996...despite the last four years, I now realize I would happily stick with a Mac over the competition (which I now own.) My love of design (especially graphic design and color) can be traced back to owning and using Macs for over two decades. I've gone to school, written published articles and story on my iMac along with countless fan sites etc.

Just trying to be grateful for the things that do work and going forward from there. I've been a bit more iffy on iOS, but I am starting use my iPad Pro more and drawing on it has been wonderful. I treat that as my reward for slogging through MS Office daily. Speaking of which...
My first Mac was a 17" Powerbook G4 1Ghz, sometime in 2001. While I absolutely loved the hardware, I remember initially HATING the OS because I couldn't find anything (as I was used to the Windows ME nightmare).

Once I learned the OS I figured that it was way more intuitive, and I've been using Macs exclusively in my personal life ever since. It led to annual 17" PB/MBP upgrades, a G4 Cube, a PowerMac G5, every "iPod iMac" until 2011, white iBook, white Macbook, and several 13" and 15" MBPs.

Pure computing bliss, from the OS to upgrades and maintenance.

My current Mac setup is a 2011 Maxed-Out 27" iMac, a 2011 17" MBP, and a 2012 15" MBP with the Anti-glare hi-res screen.

Sadly, unless the mythical modular Mac Pro blows me away, it looks like they'll be my last Macs, due to the advent of the current Seal, Solder, & Dongle Age.

I'm already working on a PC buildout project that will be hackintosh-compatible, but I'm more than pleased enough with the Win10 and Android/Google Services combination (via work-provided devices) to give up on Apple entirely.
I switched to Mac and OS X in February of 2016 when I purchased a 13-inch 2015 MacBook Pro. I had been a "Windows Wrangler" for most of my life prior, ever since Windows 98 SE.

Like most people, I had owned Apple products before buying my first Mac. I owned a first generation iPod Nano back in 2006. I have also owned several iPhones over the years, including 6 Plus and 6S.

Looking back over the years I can't understand why I didn't make the switch sooner. I periodically do a bit of amateur video editing and couldn't believe the time difference in rendering and exporting when using Final Cut Pro over Premiere Pro, which was my go-to app for video on my Windows desktop.

Overall, I have been very pleased.
[doublepost=1513187558][/doublepost]I started with the Apple ll in 1982. I have been with Apple through 35 years and I don't regret being with Apple at anytime.
Since about 95 or 96. My school only had Macs, so I've been an Apple die-hard for as long as I can remember. I bought my first personal iMac in 2008, which was a refurb 20-inch Aluminum iMac. I can't say that I've ever regretted my choice. Of course, there have been times where I've thought about getting a PC, but it would have been a supplement to my setup, not a replacement.
~25 years. Dad had an Apple II older than me but I didn't start regularly using a computer until the OS 7.5 or 7.6 days. One of the pizza box Macintosh Performas. Best guess is it was one of the LC-II variants, but maybe we actually had a 450.
Been a Mac user since 2010 i think ... I know its around that time before i joined MR :D Before then, i was on PC's
My first experience with a mac was in primary school , in 1993, we used them for Word Book Encyclopedia and Claris works for touch typing. I remember not being impressed by them, considering at that point I was using an Amstrad CP464 and thought that was way better! Lol

I am a bit of a operating system slut, I like both Macs and Windows (the hardware is great for Macs for Photoshop work) and Windows is great for some other stuff too. So I use both. But 1993 was the first time i was exposed to Apple and its operating system.

My first mac is the 2012 Mac Mini, still going really strong! :p
My first Mac was a Mac ll, bought sometime in 1981. I've used Macintosh hardware since then with very few problems.
1994 - Power Mac 7100 (first owned)

I did use the original Macintosh in the mid 80s.
2001. I first used a mac on the school around 1991, but went on mainly using Windows machines (on school and at my parent's house). 10 years later, when I moved out and bought my first computer, it was an iBook G3.

Now that I think about it, I've only bought Macs.
Late 2013 when I got my MacBook Pro. Still use a windows based desktop though as I like to customize my PC's hardware. I enjoy the building aspect of it more than using it to be honest :)
I had a Lisa in 1982, then I went to PC when Scully messed up Apple.
Then Back to Apple with the first iPhone and Mac Mini.
I've been a Mac user since the very first iPhone. A week after buying the 2007 iPhone, I bought my very first 15" MBP at BestBuy.

I still have my 2008 black MacBook that still works and today, I have several iPhones, 2015 15" MBP, 2012 non retina 13" MBP, 2012 Mac Mini i7 and a ATV2.
First experience was with a Mac Classic II in 1990.
I got a job in Conwy, Wales, selling Apple Performas to local businesses in the mid 90's (System7). After that didn't touch any Apple product until about 10 years ago (just before iphone).
Bought first Mac Mini in '07 for own use - not looked back since.
1984, beginning of the school year. Used it for jr. high yearbook (man that thing looked ugly as we produced "camera ready" text from the dot-matrix printer). Been using Macs ever since.
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