As an iPhone developer, soon to be an iPad developer also, I hope that the prices stay where they are. It is really a shame that the race to the bottom happened with respect to iPhone app pricing. People have to realize just how much time and effort is needed to create a quality iPhone/iPod touch/iPad app.
Some iPad apps are seemingly priced a little on the high side, but that is when compared to the gluttony of .99 iPhone apps. The iPhone apps are priced too low, in my honest opinion. In my case, I would rather have charged twice the price, as I consider my apps to be worth $1.99, but I was faced with the real probability of not selling very many copies of them (not that they're selling like hotcakes now). It seems as if everyone wants the world for only .99, and that's not really fair for the developers.
I'm planning out a couple iPad-only apps, but I will NOT stoop to charge only .99 for them, as I don't want to see the race to .99 again. Take a step back and see how much better the iPad version is, as compared to the iPhone version. You will then see the justification for the higher prices. Actually, there is a medical app, for the iPhone, that costs over $100. I wonder what everyone thinks of that one.