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But there still millions of users using Air Video lite , just puting all there folders in the server instead of one huge folder, bypassing the restrictions of the lite version.

If too many users use the lite version of your app then either put more features in the full version or stop going after them since they are obviously very price sensitive and might not be worth the effort.
That's your grade in economy. Of course you can make more by selling more at a cheaper pricepoint. Doesn't have to be the case for ALL applications, but would most likely be true for most of the popular ones.

Yeah those BMW guys are such idiots, why not sell there cars in 10k they would be much even richer. You know what dude! You revolutionized economy! Your all a Alan Greenspan on steroids!
Yeah those BMW guys are such idiots, why not sell there cars in 10k they would be much even richer. You know what dude! You revolutionized economy! Your all a Alan Greenspan on steroids!

Let's grade your comparison.

Does it involve cars? Yes

- 10

Does it involve comparing infinite resources to finite resources? Yes

- 10

Does it include unnecessary sarcasm? Yes

- 10

Does the sarcasm have any redeeming value (humor, etc)? No

- 10

Does it include words such as: "dude", "man", or "bro" used unironically? Yes

- 10

Does the comparison induce the overall feeling of facepalm? Yes

- 10

Does the comparison feed the trolls? Yes

- 10

Have I run out of ideas for this post? Yes

- 10

You have scored a 20, sir. You fail the comparison test. Please turn in your internet license at the door. It has been revoked.
Let's grade your comparison.

Does it involve cars? Yes

- 10

Does it involve comparing infinite resources to finite resources? Yes

- 10

Does it include unnecessary sarcasm? Yes

- 10

Does the sarcasm have any redeeming value (humor, etc)? No

- 10

Does it include words such as: "dude", "man", or "bro" used unironically? Yes

- 10

Does the comparison induce the overall feeling of facepalm? Yes

- 10

Does the comparison feed the trolls? Yes

- 10

Have I run out of ideas for this post? Yes

- 10

You have scored a 20, sir. You fail the comparison test. Please turn in your internet license at the door. It has been revoked.

Well apps are not .99 cents anymore, poor people like you lose! sorry i bet if you beg you might buy Plants vs Zombies HD in a couple of days.

Oh i just got a idea! Make a donations page so people can send you money so you can buy at least one app to put on your iPad.
Pages is over priced!!!!!!!!! what!
How much do you make a hour?
How much do you give tip in a restaurant?

What does that have to do with anything. Office2HD does what pages and numbers do and only costs 6.99 and has office compatibility. Highly sought after.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.4 Mobile/8A260b Safari/531.21.10)

ScottFitz said:
If your app is very good, you'll make it up on volume. Ihope they all go .99!

As an iPhone developer, soon to be an iPad developer also, I hope that the prices stay where they are. It is really a shame that the race to the bottom happened with respect to iPhone app pricing. People have to realize just how much time and effort is needed to create a quality iPhone/iPod touch/iPad app.

Some iPad apps are seemingly priced a little on the high side, but that is when compared to the gluttony of .99 iPhone apps. The iPhone apps are priced too low, in my honest opinion. In my case, I would rather have charged twice the price, as I consider my apps to be worth $1.99, but I was faced with the real probability of not selling very many copies of them (not that they're selling like hotcakes now). It seems as if everyone wants the world for only .99, and that's not really fair for the developers.

I'm planning out a couple iPad-only apps, but I will NOT stoop to charge only .99 for them, as I don't want to see the race to .99 again. Take a step back and see how much better the iPad version is, as compared to the iPhone version. You will then see the justification for the higher prices. Actually, there is a medical app, for the iPhone, that costs over $100. I wonder what everyone thinks of that one.

From my personal experience, the opposite is true. I've made far more with my app at a higher price than I did when it was $0.99.
Yeah those BMW guys are such idiots, why not sell there cars in 10k they would be much even richer. You know what dude! You revolutionized economy! Your all a Alan Greenspan on steroids!

All im gonna say is, please reread my post carefully and then you will realize how stupid your response was.
If it's worth 1.99 it'll sell.

How? Make a lite version ........... aka a demo version.

I think demo versions are key to claiming a decent price. Once people see the value they'll pay.

Yup. Of the independently authored, i.e., not from a big studio, apps I've bought that were priced over .99 I got sucked in to the full version via the lite version. Of course I also saved some change b/c of the lite version too, so goes both ways. Nonetheless, I would not have bought apps I bought were it not for being able to try them out first.

Alternatively, I have a bunch of ad-supported apps that I love too. I don't mind ads as along as they are not "in your face."
I would much rather pay a considered amount for something that works well and I am fed up with buying rubbish, whatever the amount. It may not be to everyones taste, but Angry Birds is cheap, very playable and the developers are obviously content to take a small amount from thousands and thousands of people who want to see the app.

My vote is for shareware apps, or lite versions so that I can see what I am getting before spending. I'll use the money not wasted on rubbish to reward the developers of quality apps.
I think 9.99 should be about the high point since that's what Apple's great "Office" apps come in at.

Anyways, I've bought a few that are worthwhile to me... others, not so much. No different than any other software market. :)
If all apps are free or 99-cents then all we will get are crappy apps.

You guys who are grading each other get an "F" in grammar, BTW. :D
If all apps are free or 99-cents then all we will get are crappy apps.

This is true. I have no problem paying decent prices for good apps. Depending on the app, I see nothing wrong with devs charging $10, $20, or whatever they feel works. I certainly wouldn't spend several months developing a quality app if I felt I had to price it at 99 cents to get any sales.

I think we'll end up seeing the larger publishers lock in at higher prices for the apps that take significant resources to create, and that will set the bar for the rest of the top end apps.
I agree. As a buyer, I've had no qualms buying iPad apps at $4.99 or $9.99.

X 2. I really do not mind paying a little extra for a good quality app.

Just put some thought into what will really be useful to you when considering an app purchase.
I would happily pay $50 for a single app that combined goodreaders depth of features, air sharings UI and printing capabilities, and Office2HDs ability to open/create, edit and save office apps.

Such an app would obviate the need for an additional computer for many, myself included.
I just hate that alot of game aps $5 or more and have no lite version. I debated getting warp gate, but I didn't want to spend $8 for something I wouldn't like. A few days ago the lite version came out. I hated it, but opposite could have happened. I have no problem with pay, but for $10, I need to know I'll like it.
It seems like every app I want is $9.99 or at best $4.99. Some of these ten-dollar apps cost just a buck on the iPhone. It's clear to me us early-adopters are just getting the shaft until that tipping point where app prices are forced to plummet. But how long do you think we have to wait for, and do you think iPad sale numbers or an increase in apps available will be the key factor in price drops?

There may not be a tipping point. So don't count on the prices plummeting for the good apps in the near future. Pay if the app is worth it. Or wait forever.

Most developers found that the "race to the bottom" in iPhone pricing was a mistake, and aren't interested in repeating that mistake since it didn't make them any money (except for a tiny percentage of them). There's plenty of money to be made at more reasonable price points. For proof, note that the vast majority of apps on the iPhone "Top Revenue" App store lists are priced well above 99c. That's the goal of most experienced developers. Not 99c downloads.
Well apps are not .99 cents anymore, poor people like you lose! sorry i bet if you beg you might buy Plants vs Zombies HD in a couple of days.

Oh i just got a idea! Make a donations page so people can send you money so you can buy at least one app to put on your iPad.

You post and all I read is:


You really should try harder.
There may not be a tipping point. So don't count on the prices plummeting for the good apps in the near future. Pay if the app is worth it. Or wait forever.

Most developers found that the "race to the bottom" in iPhone pricing was a mistake, and aren't interested in repeating that mistake since it didn't make them any money (except for a tiny percentage of them). There's plenty of money to be made at more reasonable price points. For proof, note that the vast majority of apps on the iPhone "Top Revenue" App store lists are priced well above 99c. That's the goal of most experienced developers. Not 99c downloads.

I can't speak for developers on the iPhone, but as a customer I am very happy with the application pricing on the iPhone. There are plenty of applications on my iPhone that cost more than $0.99.


Oregon Trail, Super Monkey Ball (bought during the launch of the App Store), Worms, Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars, and Civilization Revolution.


Classics and Eucalyptus


NetShare, Air Sharing, PasteBot, and iDisk (MobileMe subscription).

Instant Messaging/Chat:

Beejive, IM+, Skype (has SkypeOut credit), and Limechat


Tomtom USA

There are also many great $0.99 applications on there too such as Koi Pond, Pocket God, Toki Tori, Atomic Web Browser, and so on.

The great thing about the iPhone ecosystem is the affordability of applications enabling your phone to do really amazing things. You see an application on a friend's phone and you can buy it right there on your iPhone straight out of the App Store. Low prices, high availability, and convenient access all make for a great buying experience.

The iPad applications suffer from a few different problems.

- The HD/for iPad syndrome.

Right now we can see many successful iPhone applications now scaled up and available for the iPad at higher prices. This is repeated over and over, but take Civilization Revolution for an example.

It is a great game for the iPhone priced at $6.99, but the same game with the same content featuring only minor UI tweaks is $12.99. I just did a double take on this.

I can't be the only iPhone owner with a new iPad balking at the pricing of applications I've already purchased which brings us to..

- The rebuy syndrome.

Apple puts developers in a tough situation. Do you make a universal application and give everyone who already purchased your application a free upgrade for the iPad? You don't have the capability of asking for $2.99 for existing customers and $9.99 for new customers except using in-app purchasing which is overly restrictive in itself.

I don't have a solution for the developers except to say: Only charge for the upgrade/separate versions if you offer compelling new functionality and not just a scaled up version of your existing application.

Excellent example of doing it right: IM+

They have made their iPad version free to everyone that purchased their iPhone application. It features a completely new custom interface (not even close to a few UI tweaks) with excellent functionality. I am using it now while waiting on Beejive to finish their version before I decide which to use permanently, but I digress.

They have offered their customers a tremendous value for the price while others have simply released what should be a universal app.

Excellent example of doing it wrong: Civilization Revolution

Their "for iPad" version of the game is both buggy and expensive. The type of game is certainly more appropriate for the iPad, but existing customers are forced to play it on the iPhone or rebuy it for twice the price on the iPad.

- The "because I can" syndrome.

This mostly applies to Apple. They showed the iWork applications on the iPad then opted to sell each application for $9.99 instead of including them with their very expensive devices. Where is the iPad's iLife software suite or value add first party software?

$9.99 isn't a princely sum and I did buy the app, but I don't feel I should need to.

That is my rant on this topic. Take it for what it is worth, nothing at all.
lol Your on forums writing essay answers because you dont have money to buy apps! lol

First, at least try to write in intelligible english. I'm no grammar nazi, but You're vs Your is about as basic as it gets.

Second, read my post before you start to QQ. I've explained my reasons for objecting to iPad application pricing.
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