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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 28, 2009
just a thread to compile wait times for Apple store reservations

mine is still pending - a 32gb 3G version in england - now 9 days.

some people have mentioned times ranging from 1 day to 2 weeks

how about you? or are you still waiting too?

EDIT: email came in mid afternoon after 11 days
My GF waited a total of 10 days from getting on the priority list to getting her iPad (also a 32GB 3G model) - from the Saturday the day after launch to the Tuesday just over a week later.

It seems that each store gets in a handful of each iPad a day, and how long it takes depends on your position on the list for that model. You should be able to ask the store where you are on the list (my GF did, they said she was actually #1, and the email saying 'your iPad is here!' came about an hour later).

The other thing to be aware of (that not every store seems to mention) is that you only have 24 hours to pick up your iPad before they release it to someone else.
I was Lucky, reserved on a thurday, got a email on Monday. Although I think the Liverpool apple sotre is less busy than others.
Just put a reservation of a 16gb 3G at the Leicester Apple store. I was told that 'we are being told 8-10 days' I bet it arrives when i'm on holiday - useful. :rolleyes:
I did an in-store reservation last night just before the store closed at 9pm for the 64gb wifi one and got an automated email this morning at 8am saying it's ready for pick-up..... so my wait was 11 hours (=
I was supposed to get an iPad for Father's Day, but after reading ATT's data plan change on 6/2/10, I decided not to wait. Unfortunately, all 3 stores were out of stock. I reserved iPads eg 32GB and 64GB over the phone at one store on 6/2/10 at 10:41am and told them, although my choice is 32GB version, whichever one came in first I'll take, as long as it was by 6/6/10, Sunday. Was told 7 to 10 days wait. Got an email back at 11:12 am on the same date stating my iPad 3g 64GB was ready for pickup. Total wait time 31 minutes.:D It seems 64GB version is not as popular as 16 or 32GB version.

Received another email on 6/8/10 at 11:09am that my iPad 3g 32GB was ready for pickup. I passed on that.
Anyone here got some timings for New York? I don't know when I should submit my reservation. I'm staying there June 22 till 27th. Positive thing is that I don't need a 3G version.
You guys any advice when I should reserve one? Since they only hold to them for 24 hours..
Can you re-reserve one if for example it's there too early? Or is it like 1/account, or an X wait period?
I don't really care which Apple Shop it is. I hope they don't let me pick it up the 24th :eek:
I reserved one from the Apple Store in Cincinnati. I asked for a 16GB 3G to upgrade my 16GB WiFi. I requested this on June 1, hoping to get it before the June 7th deadline of the AT&T unlimited plan. However, I got my email on June 8th that it was ready and waiting. By that time I decided I could live with a WiFi model, and that I really wanted an iPhone 4 instead. Plus after seeing the iPhone 4 it makes me REALLY want a second generation iPad. So I canceled my reservation. Later that day, I got a call from the Apple store in Cincy, the rep thanked me for canceling the order after I decided not to keep it. Even though you have 24 hours to get it, she said they have been swamped with people who got the notice to come get theirs, but didn't within 24 hours, and then called and rasied hell about it. She said some people have been put on the list 3-4 times. I thought it was a nice gesture on their part. So 7 days wait time.
Oh, this isn't looking good. I reserved on Friday at Regent's Street and it looks like I'll have quite a few day's wait.
Anyone who can say a little more about re-reserving it? I just want to be sure that I can have one:p. Is the wait time shorter for stores in NYC? Or should I reserve it somewerhe mid this week, so about 4-5 days bbefore I get there?
6 days, West Nyack NY. As a matter of fact they said they got more in then the reserve list so they were thrilled to be able to sell to walk ins.
When I first reserved mine, it was an estimated 2 weeks before It comes in. Got an email when I got home from reserving it, saying it was there and picked it up the next day. Who knows, maybe they'll surprise you.
~12 joke. Raleigh, NC

Went in around 7 on a Thursday night and put my name on the list because I was going to be in that town till Sunday. Apple employee told me hopefully it'd be in by then. Woke up to a ~6:30am email saying it had arrived. :D
Still waiting for 32gb 3G, will be 7 days tomorrow. Got an email from Apple yesterday:


Does anyone know how much longer it took after they got that email? Hopefully won't be much longer now.
Still waiting for 32gb 3G, will be 7 days tomorrow. Got an email from Apple yesterday:


Does anyone know how much longer it took after they got that email? Hopefully won't be much longer now.

Hmmm, never seen that one tbh!

Just got to be patient I guess.
It took me one day in paramus nj for a 3G 64gb. what you should do is go to the store on any of the computers in the favorite places there should be an iPad category. use the link for priority lists to out urself on as many stores as you want, you should get an email soon and just cancel all the other reservations when that happens. you can only do 2 of them per apple id, but just create a few ids so it's not a problem. i ended up with 8 reservations and got mine the next day. :)
Didn't want to wait until June 28th, so I cancelled my online order.
Called two Apple Stores in Toronto (Canada) and put my name down (two different e-mail addresses) for a 64GB 3G.

I am hoping to hear back sometime this week (store had them 2 days ago, but I wasn't in town to pick it up).
I got an email saying mine is ready for collection at Regent's Street. I reserved on Friday, so 3 days.
They said two weeks, it took one week

I wandered into the Apple store here in Austin (in the great state of Texas) on Saturday May 29 and asked for a 64 GB 3G iPad. They smiled quietly to themselves at my innocence and allowed me to put in an order. They said it would take about (or up to?) two weeks.

Six days (Friday, June 4) later I get an e-mail that my iPad is ready. I head down to the store after work and the nice lady gives me my iPad and sets it up for me.

I was happy with the process, so nice job of setting expectations from Apple.
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