When I do sound recording, instead of DI-ing, I just shut them down. So far no problem.
What does DI-ing mean?
When I do sound recording, instead of DI-ing, I just shut them down. So far no problem.
DI: Direct Input. Either if the soundcard and such allow it by simply inserting the guitar (or whatever) into the Audio interface, or through a DI-box that will transform the sound into something that resembles the output of microphones and connecting that to the Audio input.What does DI-ing mean?
DI: Direct Input. Either if the soundcard and such allow it by simply inserting the guitar (or whatever) into the Audio interface, or through a DI-box that will transform the sound into something that resembles the output of microphones and connecting that to the Audio input.
Well, iMacs that come with the Seagate drives are louder, but better
How can you tell which iMac has which drive?
I was wondering if any of your guys could post your opinions on how loud/quiet the new Alum iMacs are. The reason I ask is because I record music, and don't have a seperate control room so I need everything to be SILENT. I have a C2D MBP right now because it is dead silent, but I must admit that the new iMacs are tempting me. Do you think they are quiet enough to record music with in the same room?
I have to agree, there no sound coming from the Imac at all. The only thing I ever hear is my external hard drive.
Correct. DI only works for non-miced (non-miked???) stuff. But then, that wasn't the question. I said I turned off the hard discs that make noise when I do non-DI'd stuff, while the iMac itself is virtually noiseless.Works great with my Podx3 but, you can't do that with a microphone. The mic pics up any ambient noise, especially condensers mics.