Alright guys!
One hour ago I received my iMac 24 3,06 Ghz. And... it is going back!!!
I've already arranged the taking back procedure and this baby is going back to Apple. Reason: it makes noise.
I shouldn't have listened to all stories of those who told me that iMacs were completely silent. it is not true.
This machine standing on my table, 40cm from my ears, makes a hum, a deep annoying hum. The fans are spinning around and create an uncomfortable enviroment if you want to work in silence.
It is huge, had amazing screen.. sooooo big...

... But... I needed silense which I cannot find in iMac... Sorry, Apple... I am keeping the new iTouch 32gb, but the iMac is leaving...
I am a topic starter and now I can say to all of you, guys: iMacs are not dead silent and not as silent a falling leaf... The make noise... And because the screen is so close to your head, it makes the noise 10 times as annoying as a noise of a normal PC. However generally speaking, it is a very quiet machine.... in comparence with other pc's...
See you later fellas.. But I am going to wait till 14-10 and buy a new MacBook Pro which must be silent..