Just to close out my 4,1 to 5,1 post (#232) with an update - OWC replaced the 1TB Accelsior PCI card free of charge as it was under warranty (with only 1m left). Once Sierra was reinstalled with all apps it ran like a charm. Then took the plunge and updated the CPU's to dual Westmere X5690's, plunked in 64GB Ram and updated the GPU to a GTX 980TI with 6GB. Kept the OWC card as the boot drive in PCI slot 1 and put the GPU in the proper slots above it to avoid the GPU fan from blowing on the drive - and leaving a slot open between them for the fan flow to work. This GPU also required scavenging the power from two of the SATA HD ports (leaving me with only 2) along with the PCI and supplemental board harness to power the thing. I could have stolen the power from the SATA ports in the optical drive bay but that would have meant a partial teardown and cutting the bay floor to fish the cables through. Later, High Sierra was installed, though I waited for the first patch before I did along with NVIDIA drivers and things were peachy. Currently am waiting to install Mojave (waiting actually for the corresponding NVIDIA drivers to be available) and celebrating the 9th anniversary of my original purchase of this 4,1 cheese grater. I'm not going to do any more upgrades based on the current 4,1/5,1 motherboard, rather keep my eye on how Apple intends to transition to its own chipset (as announced), and the effect that will have on the MacOS, to gauge the life span of this beast. I already have a G5 collecting dust.....