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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 15, 2007
ok, i got my second imac and its suffering screen gradient (used the lagoam website test)...

i was wondering how many exchanges u guys went through to get your perfect screen?
Zero. Mine was perfect out of the gate.

Of course, "perfect" is a relative term. Current LCD technology is inherently imperfect to say the least.
Zero. Mine was perfect out of the gate.

Of course, "perfect" is a relative term. Current LCD technology is inherently imperfect to say the least.

so you do have a sliiight gradient than?
only when u look at it from a gray background etc...?
lagoam website test?????
what does it look like when you do something other than test it?
I have the slight brighter on left then right thing going but when I'm doing something on it, I don't notice it all.
i could deal with the gradient if slight. but the backlight bleed really cheeses me off. movies look like crap on it if letterboxed. I have seen perfect screens on imacs but mine sucks to say the least. blacklight bleed in all four corners...
I didn't change mine at all

ok, i got my second imac and its suffering screen gradient (used the lagoam website test)...

i was wondering how many exchanges u guys went through to get your perfect screen?

I don't have any problems with my screen except that it is SO BIG!! I would never have imagined that my 24" screen would be so large. I was not in work today but I gave a talk at a local college. I noticed that on the desks they have 17" monitors. What a contrast! Even my 17" work monitor seems a bit small these days and I'm sure I've never thought about that before. It's very funny what a difference this gorgeous monitor has made to my perception of other screens.
Erm.....unit 23 was a good one for me! :D

wow, i hope that was sarcasm :eek:
.......was it?
if it wasnt, the apple store or genious mustve hated you for it
i called in applecare second time for a replacement and they already offered me a 50 dollar refund. did you get any sort of refund for that too?
First iMac was without discernible problems to me. Walked in and out of a Future Shop, took it home and set it up in 5 minutes.

Perfect? I sure it wasn't. But problem free? So far :)

LCD screens, as they stand now, can never be "perfect". You're always going to get some backlight bleeding. You're always going to get gradients. A few people are going to get stuck pixels or yellow edges. If it's that much of a concern for you, don't buy a consumer-level machine.

I originally purchased the 20", a bit fade to the screen out the box. I purchase it at best buy and it was an open box item and discounted and ran through the whole process of being checked out. Then i noticed a bit fade in the screen and then read through some forums and realized i wanted the 24" so i exchanged it for this... everything is all well now:D
so you do have a sliiight gradient than?
only when u look at it from a gray background etc...?

If I really, really look for it on a solid background, there is a very slight left-to-right brightness gradient. But I don't notice it at all in day-to-day use. Considering my screen has no unsightly backlight bleed nor any dead/stuck pixels, I'm perfectly satisfied with it.
A perfect screen will cost you around US$5000.

Methinks you expect too much from a circa $1500 all-in-one. You might have an unusually bad screen, even twice, but you have no right to expect "perfection" for the money you're spending.

Google some high-end monitors to find out why.
A perfect screen will cost you around US$5000.

Methinks you expect too much from a circa $1500 all-in-one. You might have an unusually bad screen, even twice, but you have no right to expect "perfection" for the money you're spending.

Google some high-end monitors to find out why.

lol, we have no right to expect perfection. ur kidding right? or delusional? If not perfection, I can think of a lot of 500-800 dollar screens I would choose over this display. If you cannot accept that the screens are defective, ur kidding urself. I have seen perfect ones in 24 inch aluminum imacs so anything less is a problem screen weather it fits apple's specs or not. I got a feeling apple created the "specs" after the screens started showing up with bleed and not before. this should have been fixed early on in the production.
A perfect screen will cost you around US$5000.

Methinks you expect too much from a circa $1500 all-in-one. You might have an unusually bad screen, even twice, but you have no right to expect "perfection" for the money you're spending.

Google some high-end monitors to find out why.

Can I quote you on an eBay auction? My screen is perfect as far as I can tell. I figure I should be able to sell my new iMac for a profit of at least $1000 ;)
How do I use that lagoam website? I tried reading it but I can't seem to get it fullscreen on safari, and when I try and click the smaller pictures to enlarge them a four arrowed pointer only lets me move them. I'd really like to be able to use something like this when I return my iMac to the Apple store, as I've had pretty bad screen bleed and an annoying dead pixel.

the newer model i-mac's manufactured in 08 should be fine. Earlier on there was more problems with the screens.
the newer model i-mac's manufactured in 08 should be fine. Earlier on there was more problems with the screens.

Gotta disagree. There have been a lot of people in this forum that have had screen issues of all types in the early 08 iMac's. Some have posted pictures that clearly demonstrate that they were not just being picky.
2 replacements (first two from China while the third is from the US). I am extremely happy with my third machine even though it runs hotter than the previous two. However, I just discovered a flickering issue while browsing the net where a horizontal flickering line would appear in parts of the page :confused: I have the 3.06 with the nVidia card.
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