My cheapo Hanns-g 19" ($180) and my newer 22" LG ($280) screens are perfect left to right (I did all the tests), pixel perfect, bright (ok, the 19" wasnt AS bright as the imac), crisp, and only have barely minimal backlight bleed across the top and bottom. They don't have that damn "spotlight" (looked like flashlights were being shined in from the corners) bleed that my 3 imacs had...
I was kidding myself for the longest time thinking my screen was normal and that this is inherit in the LCD technology. Only thing is, I've never noticed it before and could not justify having this bright, beautiful screen but having color tones displaying differently left to right. I understand pixels can go bad and that backlight bleed (in most cases) is something on all LCD's.
I'm happy with my Core 2 quad PC that I spent 1/3 the money on.
Don't get me wrong, I have a macbook, 3 ipods and an airport extreme, so i do love apple products and wish my imac was better quality. but, it honestly bugged me too much. if the mini was more powerful (or at least updated!) and the pro was less money, i'd go for them.