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My cheapo Hanns-g 19" ($180) and my newer 22" LG ($280) screens are perfect left to right (I did all the tests), pixel perfect, bright (ok, the 19" wasnt AS bright as the imac), crisp, and only have barely minimal backlight bleed across the top and bottom. They don't have that damn "spotlight" (looked like flashlights were being shined in from the corners) bleed that my 3 imacs had...

I was kidding myself for the longest time thinking my screen was normal and that this is inherit in the LCD technology. Only thing is, I've never noticed it before and could not justify having this bright, beautiful screen but having color tones displaying differently left to right. I understand pixels can go bad and that backlight bleed (in most cases) is something on all LCD's.

I'm happy with my Core 2 quad PC that I spent 1/3 the money on.

Don't get me wrong, I have a macbook, 3 ipods and an airport extreme, so i do love apple products and wish my imac was better quality. but, it honestly bugged me too much. if the mini was more powerful (or at least updated!) and the pro was less money, i'd go for them.
So I made an appointment at the apple store for 10am monday morning, can someone explain to me how to use that website so I can use the downloaded version at the store? Pretty please :p
none of these screens are gonna be exactly perfect but some may come close, havent noticed anything with mine. my 24" was bleedin lil worse and worse over the period of 2 weeks just exchanged it for the 20" i wanted in the 1st place. just give it to apple....get another one :D
Three iMacs at 24" white - perfect screen. 2 Alu imacs (one penryn and one original alu one) - both have one dead pixel. Possibly have gradient problems but nothing that bothers me.

By far, the screen with the best colors, brightness, and defect-free-ness is the one on my MacBook Air! Seriously, if it wasn't glossy, it'd be the best display of all time!!!!

Lesson: it might take you a while. Be patient. Apple is too busy making iPhones to care about your screen problems unfortunately. If you want to avoid a mess, open it up in the store before leaving. That happened to me with my white iMac - I opened it up and bam - red stuck pixel right in the middle of the screen. Swapped it on the spot for a working one.
Talking about screens...

my 24" iMac screen shows some wavy pattern in brightness at the top and bottom when seen at an angle. It is most visible at lower brightness settings, but never disappears. I haven't seen this issue discussed before (or did I miss something).
Here's a photo of it:
(with only the exposure reduced in post processing; I am aware that the center shows a slight moiré effect, please disregard that one.)
The photo is taken at a high angle to make it appear stronger, but the effect is also visible at lower angles, starting at about 45 degrees.
Other than that my display also shows some backlight bleeding ( No dead pixels, no gradient.

I've had it for ~two months now, I guess it's time to call up Apple.

My 6 year old NEC 18" doesn't have any of that... but it cost almost as much as the iMac today ;)
Brand new 24" iMac, just got it a bit over a week ago, last night noticed a stuck green pixel. aaaah! It's no big deal but now catches my eye everytime i look at my computer. :(
Smears on INSIDE of iMac 24" 2.8

I bought my parents a 24" iMac 2.8 last week, got it home, set it up, switched it off and noticed with the screen off that there were smears and fingerprints on the inside of the screen i.e i could not wipe them off. We took it back to the Apple store and they replaced it. got the new one home, thinking it couldn't possibly have the same problem, i switched it on, then when the screen switched off i noticed smearing again on the inside of the screen!!!!!

I intend to take this one back too, and will ensure it is not smeary before i take it out of the store.

Anyone else had this issue??
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