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Jun 21, 2012
Page 22 discusses the afterburner card. I'm surprised more posters who edit video don't talk about it more.
Afterburner card is only good for ProRes and ProRes RAW decoding. The Afterburner card is a single slot card so it should be usable with a two slot card and both MPX module slots filled. Does the Afterburner card support x16? If so, then you need to decide between:
1) the two slot GPU in slot 5 (x16) and Afterburner in slot 7 (x8)
2) the two slot GPU in slot 6 (x8) and Afterburner in slot 5 (x16)
But if one Afterburner is beneficial, then you could add additional Afterburner cards instead of a GPU.


macrumors 65816
Oct 25, 2019
Afterburner card is only good for ProRes and ProRes RAW decoding. The Afterburner card is a single slot card so it should be usable with a two slot card and both MPX module slots filled. Does the Afterburner card support x16? If so, then you need to decide between:
1) the two slot GPU in slot 5 (x16) and Afterburner in slot 7 (x8)
2) the two slot GPU in slot 6 (x8) and Afterburner in slot 5 (x16)
But if one Afterburner is beneficial, then you could add additional Afterburner cards instead of a GPU.
Yes. To me, the Rageon Pro Vega II Duo with Afterburner Card is a great combination. You can add another GPU or another Afterburner Card if that fits your workflow.
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Korie Cull

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 26, 2020
I need GPU power purely for upcoming OTOY Octane X rendering and occasional video edits. The Radeon 5700 XT which is supported by Apple and is RDNA 1.0 is looking like a good fit at the moment. It's pretty cheap also compared to the Workstation class cards. The Power draw is around 225w, so I think I'd get away with adding 3 cards in. I feel like I'm going round in circles.


macrumors 601
Sep 8, 2003
I really want someone to just buy 4 WX9100's and just put them in to see what happens 😂.

I wonder how many people are willing to spend ~6k to try this, TBH. Especially since people have pointed out the limitation is in power rails available to third party cards.

3 WX 9100s are definitely doable, but I don’t know how you‘d power the fourth without sharing a rail with one of the other cards. I really wouldn’t want to be the one having to replace a logic board because of power overdraw through the traces. Especially right now.

I've currently got a Vega II mono and W5700X MPX modules in my 7,1. I'm curious if there would be enough room to throw a 2080ti in slot 5 above the two MPX modules? Might consider this option for bootcamp gaming at some point. Is there enough juice left in the PSU and enough space in case for this?

Those both pull power over the MPX slot, and intentionally cover the 8-pin power connectors, since they are effectively pulling their extra power from the same traces that power the 8-pin connectors.

That only leaves the 6-pin connector accessible, so while it might be possible to route a cable (with extensions) down there and share power with one of the MPX modules, I wouldn’t recommend it.


I need GPU power purely for upcoming OTOY Octane X rendering and occasional video edits. The Radeon 5700 XT which is supported by Apple and is RDNA 1.0 is looking like a good fit at the moment. It's pretty cheap also compared to the Workstation class cards. The Power draw is around 225w, so I think I'd get away with adding 3 cards in. I feel like I'm going round in circles.

Honestly, triple 5700 XTs doesn’t sound like a bad idea. Especially if you aren’t entirely sure where your power needs will land.
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Jun 21, 2012
If a GPU takes too much power, the power supply is supposed to turn off, saving your motherboard from melting. Has that failed before?


macrumors regular
Jun 28, 2008
Did anyone try and get four cards (not MPX) fitted and working. There’s a load of worry about power which I don’t understand - an additional PSU can make all that pain go away (got a power hungry Titan I’m feeding with one :)
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