New iMac, same problem..still freezing..
Furthermore...I can hear the sound of the internal HD during data access..(the classic sound of an HD) you think it's normal?
Do you hear the same sound?
Thank you think I have to call the support and tell them about this? any case tomorrow I will call because of the freeze..
Ahhh... I love reading your posts.
This is exactly how I feel. I got mine yesterday, it froze on me in a game (but nowhere else yet), and it was damn near heartbreaking. I had been so worried about it while it was being built and delivered after reading everything here, that when I got it, tortured it for awhile, and it didn't freeze, I was excited.
But, its not worth sending back just to get the same thing as you said. It seems like a software problem, like the fans not doing their job on our much hotter-than-past components (So maybe an SMC update). Whatever the reason, hopefully Apple knows. Since installing SMCFanController and putting the fans on the higher end, I have not had another lockup.
I STILL wish someone could say for sure if getting a WiFi USB adapter would be a short-term fix, those things are cheap.
I migration assisted my original freezing imac contents over to the replacement and now both freeze as soon as I boot them up!!
I get about 30 seconds of use before BOTH freeze!!
call to apple to get my 3rd!!!!!! built / delivered
Ok just to let everyone know. I also e-mailed Tim Cook. I did this today in the morning. I got a phone call appx 4 hours later. To me that was a fast response. I talked with a Lady from their executive offices in Texas. She was extremely helpful. She verified with me that Apple is aware of the problem and they are working on a fix at present time. She could not tell me when the fix will be out only that it is in the works.
She did assure me that if this problem is not fixed with the software or firmware fix that I still would be able to exchange my iMac no matter the time frame. She took the 14 day limit off my account. She also offered a high level Tech Support Analyst and they will call me to work through some tests and gather some data from my iMac. I am willing to do that so they will call me tomorrow.
I will let you know the results. For those of you who do not know who Tim Cook is, he is the Chief Operating Officer and current acting Chief Executive Officer of Apple Inc. It was from his Team in Texas who contacted me.
I am now more confident that Apple will fix this and do it asap. So in my opinion we should not be sending back our machines unless there is really something wrong as the fix is on it's way. I will not be sending my iMac in for replacement unless the fix that they come out with does not fix it. Until then I am confident that Apple will take care of our problems with the iMacs freezing up. So don't worry everyone. Keep cool.