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Please keep this thread simple. Just your 3G Data usage for the life of your iPad or each statement cycle.

Got to ---- Settings/General/Data Usage

I'm at 74MB since May 15th.

I ran out of the 250 mb 18 days in and it was traumatic on my brain worrying about it being on or not and if the iPad recognized a known wireless network vs still using my 3G mb's. Sometimes I found that it was using my 250 when a known network was in range. It was way too much worry for me particularly for the extra $15. I found myself constantly worrying about whether the cellular data was on or off and I often found it on and consuming my 250 when I was home with my N network well in range. . Trust that I hated coming to the realization. The new 2gb will prolly do for me but since I use Slingbox every now and again, i just don't need the added aggravation and worry.
i dunno guys

I use my iphone everyday for data. Heavy email user and viewer of attachments. Watch MLB, use pandora, lots of web browsing, slingbox, etc. Even have MyWi to tether to my iPad. Most i have ever used in a month is 1.4GB. Lots of 1.1GB months. Avg for last 7 months is 890MB.

Everyone is different of course and the numbers dont lie but i believe that most ATT users use less than 2GB.
Financially, if you can afford it and don't need tethering, the grandfathering is the best option. $5 more to go from 2GB to unlimited. The math speaks for itself.
My biggest concern is how long will our "unlimited grandfathered" data plan last? In the Terms and Conditions, it states AT&T can change it without notice.
Ive watched TV for years over my sprint connection, so to say its not realistic is well not realistic :p

True, what att is doing is holding back the future, what this means is no pandora to commute, no netflix no abc shows, no air video, no playing online games not watching youtube. Its like Att is Apples worst enemy.
on my hacked iphone with hacked baseband to allow for notebook bluetooth tethering, I have still only managed to rack up 6GB down and 1GB up since I bought it nearly 2 years ago.

Unless the stats accidentially reset after JB'ing it.
Ive watched TV for years over my sprint connection, so to say its not realistic is well not realistic :p

Well, YOU may be able to watch tv over 3G, as well as a few others, but if everyone decided to stream over cellular it would bring the US cellular network to it's knees. That's what I meant by not realistic. Our network is not designed to support that for everyone. Congestion in major cities is already interfering with calls, which is the PRIMARY purpose of the cellular network.

What good is watching Spongebob if I can't make a call? People who want to stream via 3G should PAY for the privilege. Those of us that don't (apparently the vast majority of cellphone users) shouldn't be subsidizing those that do. You want to stream? Fork over the cash. At least that is AT&Ts message. :cool:
I disagree. I don't think that not streaming off 3G compromises the usability at all. Watching tv over 3G is not realistic given the current state of the cellular networks in the us. And remember, you can still DO it, you will just have to pay through the nose for the privilege, as well you should. ;)

Ah...another minion of da fuhrer.

The iPad is a device specifically made to consume media. That's what it's the silly idea of not using it as silly.

And who are you? Some Nazi internet polizia ? Who gave you the right to tell the ones who purchased this device in good faith of the advertized use and 3g contract that we should "pay through the nose" ?

Ah...You sheep...keep following ATT's anal cavity just remember to watch for sudden stops.

It's all's just ATT's way of sticking it to you. See my many posts about this.

If you go to KFC and order a bucket of chicken. Then they hand you a half empty bucket and say "sorry...we're out of chicken right now due to high demand". Do you run around accosting the other customers that they are going to "Pay through the nose for their chicken"?'ll get shot 'round here for that. Most people will get a little perturbed and tell the KFC counter girl to fix them some more. Why can't we tell ATT "NO, we are already paying you..instead of half a bucket of chicken for a 10% discount...How about you hopping your fat ass back there and making me some more chicken?":mad:

Oh you'll just take it from them happily and sing "kumbaya"?:rolleyes:

So, why can't we get what we pay for? Or were promised in the very recent iPad commercial?:confused:

I used a little over 1Gb in the first 30days... the real test will be when I go on vacation in a week and really give my iPad some work.
800 MB last month.

But 200MB was within the first day when I was streaming and playing with the iPad.

I can understand how people can blow through 5GB a month. (200MB per day X30 days=around 5-6GB of data).

But that means you are primarily using the iPad for at least 3-4 hours a day of heavy internet use. That's a lot of usage. Or just streaming music all day at work.

Do other carriers in other countries besides the US cap data usage? I know Rogers has a 6GB cap? Some others have a 3GB cap?
I activated on 5/9 with unlimited. Up to now I have sent 16.9 MB and received 122 MB. I have changed to the 250 MB plan since I'm nowhere near that.

I don't watch regular tv so there's no way I'd stream it. I use the web and email and maps mostly.
I was hoping to stream music from my home computers while at work. I may have to reconsider this. Fortunately, there are no apps that can do this yet.

Although, I don't like the change, it was bound to happen. I'm sure we'll see other carriers following suit with this new philosophy of data usage.
Once I get my 3G I suspect I'll be close to what I do with my iPhone:

Ah...another minion of da fuhrer.

The iPad is a device specifically made to consume media. That's what it's the silly idea of not using it as silly.

And who are you? Some Nazi internet polizia ? Who gave you the right to tell the ones who purchased this device in good faith of the advertized use and 3g contract that we should "pay through the nose"

His point is that the cellular networks in the USA aren't built to have everyone streaming their TV content. They simply do not have the capacity. Sure, a few people here and there can do it. Sure, everyone can do it a little bit. But if the masses decide to start viewing their TV via 3G for some reason then it is simply not possible.

Your posts reminds me of folks that feel the need to have everyone sugar coat their words and always maintain proper political correctness. What the world really needs is more open and to the point communication. In this particular case it is what it is and the carriers are going to price the usage plans to ensure that usage doesn't exceed capacity.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

2.1gb the first month for me.
+1 for 5GB cap...tethering

I used 4.1 GB last month on my iPad alone plus probably around 1 GB on my iPhone.

I think a 5 GB cap would be good because most users probably use either very little or a lot of data. I think it would've been a smart move to at least keep the unlimited data for those power useres but maybe bill it at $35 instead of just limiting users to 2GB then overage charges.

I think the whole tethering deal is stupid. They should've added the $35 unlimited plan and then users would have the option of tethering. That way people wouldn't have to worry about going over with their data. Having a 2 GB cap for both the phone+tethering is unfair.
Personally, I think they should either change or add an Unlimited usage plus tethering for $60-80 per month. This would give those users that are complaining about the new plans an option.

I also don't think that it is too unrealistic of an option. Do the math:

2GB = $25 ($45 w/tethering)
3GB = $35 ($55 w/tethering)
4GB = $45 ($65 w/tethering)
5GB = $55 ($75 w/tethering)
Unlimited = $60 - 80 w/ tethering
Dec '09: 448MB
Jan '10: 682MB
Feb '10: 226MB
Mar '10: 405MB
Apr '10: 403MB
May '10: 285MB

I am on it a TON during the day but don't stream much video/audio; usually webpages, FB app, etc. Probably on wifi about 40% of the day.

Edit: These numbers are obviously for the iPhone 3G, not the iPad.
Well, according to AT&T, 98% of their data plan users use 2GB or less.

So I would respectfully disagree with you statement. ;)

I used 2GB last month with no music or movie streaming. Mostly email, surfing, and checking the Macrumors iPad wallpaper thread...:cool:

You miss understood Att's statement. They meant iPhone not iPad. iPad definitely will use more data. If you have iPhone check how much data you have used so far until next billing cycle *data#. I'd be really surprised if you have even pass 1GB.
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