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The Game 161

macrumors Nehalem
Original poster
Dec 15, 2010
Weird and random question I know bit do you use it much or is most of the source of your usage is via apps such as Facebook, Twitter, sports apps, news apps and for example I post Alot via Tapatalk. Never post here on the browser.
The browser is my most used app. I NEVER even check the app section on the Play store, I do look at the games section though. I dont care anything about apps
I try not to web browse on my iPhone--just too small of a screen. It's not just limited to the iPhone--hated doing it on the larger phones I've used as well (Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4, HTC One, even not that great on the Note 2). I much prefer web browsing on my tablets and usually have one with me.

I do use a bunch of apps for online content though. If I'm going to check social media (primarily Twitter, Facebook, G+), I use their apps, though it's fairly infrequent. I also use Flipboard quite a bit on my phone and the Yahoo! Sports app for my sports news.
Use my browser constantly, and mostly in desktop mode. I hate mobile sites. Most of my posts here are from my phone browser.
I use Chrome all the time. Quite often though I'll save longer articles or Youtube videos to Pocket, and come back to them in that app. But for forums such as this I always use Chrome. I tried to use Tapatalk a few times but I never liked it much.
I browse news sites and forums like MacRumors constantly (as in 99% of the the time) on my phone through Chrome. I've tried to use aggregate all my news sites using RSS feeds, but I always find myself forgetting I even have an RSS app installed and just go back through Chrome...same happens with forums and Tapatalk as well.

IMO, browsing through the web is faster and easier...but I'm probably in the 0.01% that thinks so.
Weird and random question I know bit do you use it much or is most of the source of your usage is via apps such as Facebook, Twitter, sports apps, news apps and for example I post Alot via Tapatalk. Never post here on the browser.

I used dedicated apps a lot but stopped once I notice how chatty those apps are. Since removing Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, my battery life has doubled.
I use dedicated apps for things like Facebook. However I use the browser mostly for forums. I'd say that I use the browser a lot.
Alot when Wi-Fi is around.

Usually Opera Mini because it is pretty fast for slower speeds. And if I use prepaid data on my phone, I use Opera Mini to save data usage. I can browse 2 hrs using only 15 MB which is a limit with my network anytime I register for the 50 cent promo codes that last only one day.

I only use the default browser on my two phones if my data speeds are fast and have no usage limit. I also use TubeMate's own browser when I want to download videos from the net.
My smartphone use is almost exclusively in my web browser. I don't have apps like Facebook or twitter installed on my phone. On android at least I prefer the website to a mobile app for that site because I can multitask easier between different websites.
Web browse constantly, but I have a note 3 so its a dream to browse the internet on it. Usually use tapatalk for forums though, a lot of forum UI elements can get pretty tiny.
I find the internet an effing distracting place :(

So on my work machine I actively try to avoid reasons for launching my web browser. That means desktop clients for email and rss feeds, and contributes to my choice of using Microsoft Office over Google Docs.

On my tablet (non-work) I don't really give web browser vs dedicated app much thought.
Fairly often. I mostly use my social media apps, sports apps or Pulse reader. Sometimes, I need to open the web browser if the web site does not have an associated app. Some social media posts have links to web sites, so I will need to use a browser to look at those links. Even Pulse sometimes require you to open the web browser as the RSS feed sometimes only show part of the article.
I don't use the browser too much. In fact I've grown so used to doing stuff from within apps that I'm starting to look for app solutions to previously browser-only scenarios on my mac, too.
I almost exclusively use the browser app. The other 3% of the time that I don't use it I am using maps, clock, photos, calculator or games.

i Have no interest in all those gimmick-y apps that are on the market nowadays
Up to now on the IP4 and Galaxy S3 the browser has either been A) too slow or B) the screen is too small (or both.) I have high hopes that the iPhone 6 Plus will change that.
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