Add the extra 1GB!
Hi, i have an iMac G5 (2.0ghz), with 1gb of memory. The iMac is running leopard, which i can't help but notice is running much slower than tiger. Is this just because the processor is too slow (among PPCs, i think it's still pretty formidable...), or would adding, say, a gigabyte of RAM help? I'm not sure at which point adding more RAM is useless due to the general speed of the rest of the computer.
Would appreciate advice,
I have the same system as you, and things definitely got better with the
extra 1GB (unfortunately, 2GB is the max on our systems).
Once I started running the 2GB environment, I started running more
programs. ;^) What I have found is that normal Leopard things (like
Dashboard, Spaces, etc.) when coupled with Word, Mail and Firefox started
to make my fans run more. Or, just running EyeTV with no other apps
would do the same thing. So while the extra RAM is helpful, it doesn't
seem to help in overall processing - after all, it's only 2GB shared among a
big OS and a bunch of apps, so there will be virtual memory hits. My guess
is that all the switching between apps (or video things with EyeTV) makes
the G5 work fairly hard.
When I reduce the number of apps, the fan does calm down after 5 minutes
or so, but it gets up to about 4400RPM and the temp to 145-150F.
So yes, get the extra 1GB, but watch your app mix, and you'll be quite a
bit happier.
Hope this helps . . .